The city of Chandigarh is known for its high standards of living of its people,…
Bridget Destroys Transvestite Hubby
My name is Bridget and I am presently married to a man named Edward.
I mentioned “PRESENTLY” because I WILL BE filing for divorce within the next few months. My upcoming DIVORCE is very central to the entire theme of my upcoming story series (yes, I SHALL RETURN).
Things have been up in the air for the past few years so a few more months to get my head together, make plans, and you know, life keeps happening in the meantime.
Ed has had a rather successful career in real estate, despite the economy.
But no, can’t put my finger on just when it hit me that I had been unhappy with our marriage but it had been stagnating for quite some time. I guess it was kind of like growing numb slowly and, while constantly making concessions and compromises, bit by bit my happiness gauge was pointing way too far to the left. Running on vapors really.
I started seeing Ed as a real asshole about five years ago when Ed was making a lot bigger commissions from properties sold and he has always had this egotistical pompous thread woven like a patchwork quilt, or more like inseparable, hard-wired, personality sutures connecting his personal conviction of his own superiority to how much money he stuffed into the bank in any given month.
We have been married for ten years and for half of that time I was finally convinced that I was, as much as I hated to admit it, married to an asshole.
At thirty-eight now, I am about eight years past my epiphany moment of realizing my mortality. Not that the black balloons my girlfriends put on my surprise 30th birthday party cake made me suddenly turn into Socrates or anything but I started by about four years into our marriage to really wonder if Ed was really the right man for me to spend the rest of my life with.
Ed has a very small penis. It’s only four and a half inches with Viagra and it only “works” about a third of the time but… I mean… SO WHAT? A third of the time I have a hard tiny dick and two thirds of the time it’s only three and a half inches of room temperature Silly Putty.
I don’t know that I was thinking back when I was twenty-five, back when we first met. I apparently was not thinking much at all because I thought I was madly in love but now, looking back, I was more a dumb girl compared to myself now.
I told myself that the size of his cock didn’t matter as long as we were in love and…bla, bla, fucking bla and fucking butterflies and fucking rainbows too and way too many NON-FUCKING nights with vibrators.
So now we’re exactly half way into my reasons for divorcing Ed.
An additional twenty-five percent of my reasons for divorcing Ed will be explained next but my decision to TOTALLY DESTROY HIM will be well clarified and explained last so you will fully understand the bigger, pissed off ruthless bitch I want to become, all to culminate on the VERY DAY Ed is served his divorce papers.
I do find it VERY IRONIC that here’s Ed talking about some heartless business deal wherein Ed was having so and so “SERVED THEIR PAPERS”. It’ like he got his rocks off knowing someone’s day had been dEsTrOyEd by having official court papers served.
So this is the bitter/sweet IRONY here my new fan club. Do you remember those old Twilight Zones? The crooked hustler or other person who is not very nice ALWAYS got their come-up-pence in a shocking and life alternating instant where the man realizes that his nuts have just been taken forever and it’s now his turn to pay by knowing his wife Bridget left him for a man who is seventeen years younger who happens to be big and muscular, just happens to be black and who sports a nice thick ten inch cock.
Now is the time for me to put all of my effort into getting pictures of Ed all dressed up as Joelle as well as video clips and then making some of my OWN VIDEOS. I have already made my first one as sort of a teaser.
The reason I often refer to Ed as Joelle stems from Ed being such an incorrigible and dedicated transvestite. It has been sort of my secret code name with Ed like if I found yet another of my stockings with a run I would say to Ed, “Must have been Joelle, right?
My little way of making Ed know that I fully aware of his shit. His sneaking around.
My hope with my first “to destroy joelle” video as well as the limited number of perhaps ten videos to follow is to have a fair amount of visitors and followers by the time Joelle, oh I mean… Ed is served MY DIVORCE PAPERS.
That way, when Joelle, oops, I mean… Ed clicks on the link in my e-mail on the very evening of the day that Ed receives my divorce papers he WILL SEE what will be approximately my TENTH VIDEO.
I’ve already decided to title this DIVORCE PAPERS SERVING DAY VIDEO “To Destroy Joelle – Part 10 – 100% PROOF – Real Name Exposed”
And to think Ed has no clue that I found his very incriminating thumb-drive with his PLAYING DRESS UP LIKE A SLUT pictures in the thousands for me to choose the very most incriminating plus he also has no frigging clue that I AM DIVORCING HIM.
Just a few days before Ed is served his DIVORCE PAPERS I will “go visit my mother”.
Which really means I’m really driving a few hours north to my new BLACK BOYFRIEND’S place in Canada.
So adding all this stuff together and then make it all laser beamed into a brief moment in time where IT WILL show up at his door like multi-headed dragons and other war dogs from hell with sharp teeth and rabies (am I getting carried away? – shit – sorry).
And Ed, in that CRUSHING INSTANT will realize that just a short time ago he was just Ed the real estate guy and everybody knew him for being that tough hard as nails business guy and then in another moment in time Ed will be flung in the wink of an eye into a new universe.
A cold universe, a hostile universe where all it’s inhabitants NOW KNOW 100% PROOF positive because my “100% PROOF VIDEO” will be ABSOLUTELE PROOF that :
1- Ed has a very tiny penis.
2- Ed is a very experienced TRANSVESTITE.
3- Ed’s wife Bridget (me) is leaving him for my new boyfriend Jeff in Canada.
4- Jeff has a rather thick ten inch COCK.
5- Ed has a four and a half inch baby penis.
6- Jeff is very BIG & MUSCULAR and seven years younger than me.
7. Ed is ten years older than me, soft, out of shape and too thin and wimpy.
8. Ed has always been jittery and nervous in the company of black men,
9. Jeff is BLACK.
Payback. Karma
So the next twenty-five percent of my reasons to divorce Ed has to do with the fact that Ed has been a cross-dressing ADDICT for many years. I was even O.K. with it at first. Being the all “open minded, tolerant” woman I was so sure I was. Way back when.
But it has gone on for too long and too far. Ed has ruined countless articles of my clothing and I can never find a pair of stockings or pantyhose that doesn’t have a major run in them. I way prefer stockings nine out of ten times and so does Ed apparently.
Shortly after we met and Ed finally and awkwardly “confessed” his cross dressing habit and back then I thought he was such a successful and handsome catch that I accepted it.
On numerous occasions, I helped Ed improve his makeup skills and we went up and down our long driveway to practice walking in high-heels. I helped him dress up from head to toe as a woman on many occasions.
But the thing is, he just keeps on doing it and takes big chances all the while and QUITE LITERALLY…NO EXAGERATION, swear to God with my hand on a bible, he was spending at least as much time away in a motel to go play dress-up than he spent time with me. But he was lying the whole time because I found pictures and I can tell when and where many of them actually are.
You see, Ed had the perfect cover since he had to travel on business and I never did mistrust him as far as cheating on me with woman because I knew his dick was too small for him to even be brave enough to expose it to some floozy he met. Plus I was never really the jealous type anyway.
But Ed? Whoa Nelly !!! – Ed is so jealous he gets all wound up and has even cried after an evening party where a couple big muscular black men were flirting with me like HEAVY-DUTY…… both at the same time and Ed just could not handle it.
I remember, even though I was a bit drunk, that the two BIG & MUSCULAR BLACK MEN at the next table kept staring at me in the beginning when I put on my glossy red lipstick.
About half way through very slowly applying my lipstick to my upper lip I noticed at that EXACT INSTANT that the two BIG AND MUSCULAR BLACK MEN were grinning and staring…. like right next to us in this CROWDED CLUB.
I saw my husband FROWN simultaneously but I noticed again that the two BIG & MUSCULAR BLACK MEN were now getting really animated because by then I was way exaggerating the application of my glossy red lipstick.
The smiling, puckers and little winks I was doing while I was applying my glossy red lipstick was intentionally aimed straight toward those two BIG & MUSCULAR BLACK MEN because I was getting a REAL KICK out of seeing my little dick transvestite husband squirm so hard and miserably.
I went back with Ed to our hotel room like a good little wife but when we went to bed he begged me not to ever make him jealous like that again and he actually broke down and cried and even admitted that it bothered him a great deal when those two BIG & MUSCULAR MEN were flirting with me and that it REALLY SCARED HIM because he could SEE that they both had BULGING JEANS.
Ed noticed that and it did bother him a lot.
Did I mention that Jeff is a BIG & MUSCULAR BLACK MAN and his jeans bulge too? That will DEFINITELY bother Ed and he will come to be introduced to Jeff via new fresh video wherein I will be asking Ed if he enjoyed BEING SERVED his divorce papers earlier today and, “by the way Ed”, I will say in my video, “Not only do you get to watch me suck my new boyfriend’s ten inch BLACK COCK but, as well, I have told the entire world and have shown plenty of INCRIMINATING pictures and video to prove to everyone that you are, IN FACT, a tiny dick sissy transvestite….and by the way… it’s time for me to SUCK JEFF’S BIG DICK NOW”.
To be continued…
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