The city of Chandigarh is known for its high standards of living of its people,…
How my auto-erotic asphyxia experience went wrong.
My name is Jean. This is my experience.
Well I’m alive so yes I was rescued. This is a simple game that me and my lesbian girl friend Cindy play and it normally lasts about ten minutes. Cindy was on her way home and I was getting things ready for her when I decided to go solo. I should have waited for her.
I started out the way I always did, I went into the spare bed room and lowered the mattress that was leaning against the wall to the floor. It has a nylon cord that goes around it with a large loop in the center. I then went to the closet and got the things I would need. I put the things on the bed. A pair of handcuffs, these have a one foot long plastic covered wire joining the cuffs together. The reason is that, when your hands are cuffed behind your back you can pull your legs back and slide your feet under the wire . This puts your hands in front of you, this is essential to be able to free your self from the smother pad. This is of course assuming the escape mechanism works. A remote controlled vibrator, it is a G Spot and clitoris combination. It is held in place with three leather straps. A smother pad, this smother pad is about two inches thick and covers the lower half of the face from just below the eyes to the bottom of the chin.
The out side of the smother pad is made of leather and the material on the inside is made of a dense kind of cotton. It has two elastic loops that hook behind the ears keeping it in place. At first its easy to breathe through the smother pad but gets progressively harder. At about three minutes you really have to force yourself to breathe through it. We also have a loud timer set for three minutes as a reminder to take the smother pad off. The last thing is the most important, the way to escape. It is an oblong clasp, about three inches long, it has a threaded screw that allows you to open or close it. To unlock it you simply unscrew it.
I looked at my preparation, I had mixed feelings of excitement and terror but was satisfied that all would go well. I took the large timer, I set it for four minutes, I allowed an extra minute for securing my vibrator in place. Then I sat down in the center of the mattress and began to secure the vibrator in place. I slid the G Spot part inside me and made sure the clitoris extension covered my clit and fastened the three straps. I then took the smother pad and placed it over my face and pulled the elastic loops over my ears. I felt good, I was trembling in excitement. I then put my hands behind my back and snapped the handcuffs in place.
The foot long piece of plastic covered wire joining my hands gave me plenty of slack and it was easy to put the wire and the end of the large loop through the clasp. I began to tighten the threaded nut on the clasp, it felt tighter than normal and that should have warned me, but I kept turning it as far as I could. My hands were now secured behind my back to the mattress, the only way to free them was to unscrew the nut. Then I turned on the vibrator with the remote and threw it to the side. I lay back, moaning as I felt the vibrations going through me. I was completely trapped. I looked at the large timer and saw I had taken a minute to fasten everything in place. It would chime in three minutes, ‘perfect’ I thought.
I writhed slowly on the mattress feeling the vibrator working, the two parts seemed to be working together to drive me crazy. I would arch upwards groaning through the smother pad as the G Spot part of the vibrator hit me, then fall back to the bed as the clit part hit me. Then the G Spot and clit part of the vibrator would work together sending me twisting and turning to the sides as it sent sensations through out my body. I felt my nipples tingling, and watched as they grew so much longer. Then it would begin all over again. I was in a continual slow writhing dance on the bed, arching upwards and falling to each side in quick succession, rolling from side to side, my legs sliding alternately back and forth.
I suddenly felt the orgasmic sensations building up faster and knew I couldn’t hold on much longer. At the same time I was also finding it harder to breathe through the smother pad. Suddenly my mouth opened so wide as I forced myself to breathe inwards. The timer hadn’t gone off yet but it was still time to escape.
I took the screw between my fingers and tried to turn it. It wouldn’t budge. I was now straining to breathe through the smother pad. I arched upwards off the bed desperately pulling and pushing on the clasp. ‘Damn, I’m fucking trapped’ I thought. Then I heard a loud chime, I thought ‘fuck, fuck oh my god’, I grabbed the nylon loop in one hand and the clasp in the other pushing and pulling blindly on them hoping to break them loose. They were tight and there was no way I could break them loose. ‘Fucking hell, shit’ I felt the sensations from the vibrators starting to grow again, they had been there below the surface but now they were growing again.
I twisted furiously from side to side, my legs kicking wide apart, sliding alternately back and forth arching up and down off the bed. My chest began to hurt as I found it impossible to breathe through the smother pad. I struggled wildly trying to hold back the impending orgasm. I knew I had to concentrate on escaping from the smother pad. Then I had an idea, ‘yes’, I pulled one of my legs right back and tried to push the smother pad off my face with my knee. I tried it with one knee then the other in quick succession but it didn’t work. ‘Fucking hell’. It was to late, I stared wide eyed at the ceiling and felt a sudden mixture of terror and excitement.
I felt my self racing headlong into a raging orgasm, I pulled my legs right back and kicked them outwards, I heard a loud thud as one of my ankles hit the floor, the other leg was slightly bent and leaning out to the side. I pushed my head right back straining, trying to force my self to breathe in. ‘shit, oh fuck, shit’. My legs kicked out in all directions, sliding back and forth, my body arching up and down. I couldn’t stop my hips from bucking wildly as the orgasm over ran me. My head began jerking from side to side, I couldn’t breathe in or out. I felt my nipples tingling like crazy. I could feel still feel the burning sensation in my chest as the orgasm tightened its grip. I knew this was the end and gave in completely. ‘Aaagghhh, oh my god, yes, yes, Aaagghhh Aaaagghhhh. I was staring wide eyed at the ceiling and let the orgasm completely engulf me, my ass lifting high off the mattress as I bucked violently up and down.
I heard voices, I heard myself groaning, I opened my eyes suddenly. I could still feel the after glow of my orgasm. Cindy and my mom looked down on me. Mom said ‘we were watching you and had no idea you were in trouble until you fell unconscious’. Cindy started cussing me ‘you fucking fool Jean, what the hell were you thinking.
I stared up at them, breathing hard. I tried to tell them about the screw being stuck, I could hardly talk.
Cindy was holding the remote and turned off the vibrator, ‘we tried to unscrew the clasp, its stuck’.
I saw Cindy with a pair of pliers, she unscrewed the nut and released the clasp. ‘We will throw this away’.
They helped me to the sofa, Cindy sat next to me, she began unbuckling the vibrator and removing the handcuffs, ‘damn it Jean’.
They had no idea what I had been through.