The city of Chandigarh is known for its high standards of living of its people,…
From Mistress to Slave Part 5
This is further explanation of what happened to This is further explanation of what happened to Candace and Olivia in Part 1
Candace and Olivia
From Mistress to Slave
Part 5
“Alright slave, you may stay a slave until you think you are ready to be my wife and a Mistress again, now get up, it’s time we let Jared and Candi have their room back.”
“Yes Sir.” Olivia carefully got up off the bed and followed her Master out of the room.
As soon as Candi saw her friend come out of her room she ran up to her and hugged her. She felt so bad for her, she knew what it was like to be punished in someone else’s house. It was more embarrassing than being punished in front of other people.
“Candace! What the heck do you think you are doing? I did not give you permission to get up.” Master Jared yelled.
Candace whirled around and stared fearfully into her master’s angry eyes.
“Uh, I, Uh, I’m sorrrry Ssir,” Candace stuttered.
“Oh you have no idea how sorry you are going to be. Ken, Olivia will you please forgive my slave for being so rude. She will be severely punished for it. Excuse us please.”
Master Ken had an idea. “Jared may I speak with you please?”
“Yes of course.”
They walked over to the table where Candace had jumped up from, leaving the two Mistress/slaves to stand and wonder what was to come.
“Jared, my Olivia decided she needed to stay a slave for a while longer. I agree with her, so why don’t we kill two birds with one stone, we can punish them together!”
“Ken, I like your thinking, but we should discuss this in more detail later. I think we have left our new slave Michael wait long enough.”
“Yes I agree, shall we go tell the ladies?”
They walked back over to the awaiting women.
“Slaves,” Jared began, “we have made a decision, Master Ken and slave Olivia will be staying with us for a while. Both of you will be punished once slave Olivia has healed properly, we want her to be 100% this. Candace you are being punished for being disobedient, and Olivia you are because you felt the need to stay a slave for a while. We will be staying in the guest room, so Ken and Olivia can have our room, go to your rooms girls.”
The women turned and walked as fast as they could without running, to their rooms.
“Alright lets get busy with our new slave, shall we?” Jared said.
“Sounds good.” Ken replied.
They went off and began the new slaves’ first set of punishments.
The Next Week
Ken and Olivia stayed for a week. The Masters were particularly easy going that week. Much to the surprise of girls. That would all come to an end at the end of the week. We will continue our story on that day.
Promptly at 6 am Candace and Olivia were awakened, not that they had slept very well to begin with. The day started out pretty normally. They first had breakfast, the other slaves served them as usual. After breakfast was over they went and got showers, as usual. The girls were beginning to wonder if their Master’s had forgotten about the punishments they had threatened. But that was pretty much impossible. They knew that the Master’s would not forget something that important, that quickly. So they bided their time and waited for their punishments. They didn’t have to wait long.
The minute they stepped out of their showers the saw their Master’s standing before them. Jared grabbed Candace by the hair out of the shower and dragged her into the dungeon. Ken did the same with Olivia. The girls soon saw what they were in for. In the middle of the dungeon there were matching pummel horses each with a mirror behind them. Hanging down directly above them were chains with harnesses attached to them. The girls recognized those harnesses. They were specifically designed to hold one’s head up while they were bent over. The picture was becoming clearer. They were in deep trouble.
Without saying a word their Master’s dragged them over still dripping wet to the punishment area they has set up just for them. Once the girls got closer, they saw something even more unsettling, their were matching implement tables. They each had an array of items on them, a large whip, a crop, their personal paddles, a strap, and matching ball gags.
Again without saying a word the Master’s attach the slaves, facing each other, to the pummel horses. Then they put the harnesses on an raised their heads so they had to stare into each other’s eyes, and at each other’s butts. That was what the mirrors were their for. Once they were cinched tightly into their places the real punishment began.
The Masters had stayed very quiet so far, the slaves really didn’t like that, it meant they were thinking. Probably about what they were going to do with them.
Master Jared began, ” I will be punishing slave Olivia, and Master Ken will be taking care of slave Candace. Don’t you worry about it, this is for our fun and your pain. So just lay there and do as we say and this will go quickly.”
The girls eyes got wide with fear.
“I will give you your instructions now.” Master Ken began. “You will count out every single swat, smack or hit. If you cry out or stop counting things will get much worse for both of you. Because if one of you screws up, you both will be punished for it. You seem to care about one another very much, so that ought to give you incentive to be quiet.”
Let’s Begin
They began with the crops. The slaves began to count out simutaniously, 1 Sir, 2 Sir, 3 Sir, and so on. Once they reached 25, they began to wonder if it would ever end. Neither one had cried out yet though.
30 Sir. And it was finaly over; well this part anyway.
Next will come the personal paddles. The girls called out each of the swats. After 10 of them Candace could take no more.
“10 Sir” Olivia grunted.
“AHHH,” Candace cried out. “oh no” she thought.
“Well, well, well, I was wondering when that would come, I was beginning to get bored.” Master Jared said. “well I suppose we may as well take care of the extra punishments now.”
Both Masters reached over to their tables and grabbed the ball gags. They slipped them into the girls mouths.
“Don’t you worry girls this isn’t all of it.” Master Jared said half laughing.
They each picked up the straps off the table.
“no need to count these ones out, not that you could anyway, ha,ha,ha!” Master Ken laughed.
The Masters began the extra punishments. Each of the slaves got 6 swats with the strap on their already sore behinds, 6 more on the backs of their thighs, and another 6 on the insides of their thighs. By this time the girls were trying to scream through their gags. To no avail. After the Masters were done with this, they moved on with the original punishments.
Next came the personal paddles. The slaves got ten swats on each butt cheek, for a total of twenty. Candace thought she was going to pass out, but Olivia had been through worse than this before. After all she wasn’t a very well behaved slave. The Masters decided it was time for a small break. They removed the gags from the girls mouths and told them they were permitted to talk and rest quietly. The Masters went into the kitchen to have a drink and rest their arms.
Candace thought she had better apologise to her friend for making her ordeal worse. “Olivia, I uh,” Candace started. Olivia cut her off before she could finish,
“It’s alright honey, I used to only be able to take about that much myself. But I have gotten used to it. I mean, don’t get me wrong it doesn’t feel good at all, but it isn’t too much to bear. I told Ken that the punishments were no longer too much, and he told me that was exactly what he wanted to hear. He said that the amount of punishment that he was giving me was all his arm could handle right now. So we can grow to take more together. He is such a wonderful man. Don’t you and Jared have that kind of relationship?”
“uh, well no, I just take wha
tever he dishes out most of the time without question. Every once in a while I feel like I couldn’t han
dle another swat, and he usually gives me about 2 more and stops.”
“Candi honey, he is just trying to find your breaking point, and his. Soon enough you will be able to take it without crying out, after that you and he will have moved to another level of your relationship.”
“But Jared and I got together at the same time as you and Kenny. Why are you so close to him already?”
“There is something you don’t know about me, I was a Mistress once before. I screwed up majorley, and had to become a slave once again.”
“Oh my gosh that can actually happen, I thought it was just an urban legend among Mistresses.”
“No, believe me it is no legend, and trust me you never want to have to become a slave again, it is not fun at all. They treat you worse than a dog, they basically break you in again. The added terror of that is, they don’t give you a time frame in which you will be done. It could be two weeks, it could be two years.”
“That must have been horrible for you.”
“It was but I got lucky, I was only in the re-training program for a month. One of the girls I was in their with had been there for nearly three years. Every week they gave her the option of leaving. She just wouldn’t give up, but she also wouldn’t behave. She told me she was staying to try and get them to change some of the rules. She figured either they would kick her out or they would do as she asked. The problem with that is, the last time they changed a rule because of a slave was like 25 years ago. That was when the proffeson was in it’s infancy. I don’t think it is going to happen again.”
“Probably not, I don’t think I would have the strength to go through the slave training again, let alone for 3 years.”
“Well just keep being as obedient as possible, except when you want to give Jared a little treat, then be a bad girl. But don’t do it too often, otherwise he will think you are enjoying yourself too much, and that is enough to send you to a re-training home.”
“Thank you Olivia, I feel much better now, I was beginning to feel unwanted.”
“Believe me Candi, you are far from unwanted, I eves dropped on Jared and Ken last night, Jared is so in love with you, he is wondering if you loved him. He was afraid he was pushing you too hard.”
“Aww, he is such a sweatheart.”
“Shhh, they’re coming.”
The Masters came back into the dungeon and asked the girls if they were ready to start again. They both nodded sheepishly. So the punishment resumed.
The Masters slapped the slaves behinds with their hands a few times just to soften them up. They put the ball gags back in the girls mouths, and the real fun began. They picked up the whips and began to whip the slaves backs, butts and legs. They rotated hard slaps with soft ones. Soon the slaves behinds were laced with angry red welts, some of them on the verge of bleeding. The Masters stopped with the whips and the punishment was over, or was it?
“alright slaves, here is what we are going to do next,” Master Jared turned the whip around and showed them the handle, these were the same whips from before, they had dildos on the ends,” you have a choice, either you can take this in your vagina or in your butt. Choose now.” He removed the gags from their mouths so they could answer.
Candace chose her butt, as did Olivia. They chose those because they had a hunch that more was to come.