The city of Chandigarh is known for its high standards of living of its people,…
Bacchanal Of Bones Chapter Eight
They could hardly believe how well-preserved the Sexus Divinus was. Yet they simply knew that they were in fact beholding the genuine article.
Pete very carefully took a candle from the hand of one of the “candelabras” and used his oil lamp to light it. After using that to light the other candles, he set it back in its place.
Rennie picked up the book, and they sat down together on the floor directly in front of the altar.
As one would expect, it was written in Latin.
“Can you translate?” she asked, as they gazed down at the first page.
“I’ll try,” he answered. He took the book into his lap, and a deathly quiet minute went by as he studied the verse that the page contained. Then, he read aloud:
All who enter this space
Must shed their mortal shells,
For that is the only way
To play among the dead.
Rennie giggled nervously. “Oookay.”
He turned the page, and they were faced with several more stanzas– these accompanied by a very beautiful, explicit illustration that rendered translation hardly necessary.
So it went, each page presenting some elaborate or exotic sex act.
They were less than a dozen pages in when Rennie suddenly gasped, and threw her arms around him.
“Did you hear that?” she whispered. In the very next instant, she felt embarrassed by her own warped priorities. We’re going to die down here, and yet I’m still scared of rats, she thought wryly.
“Hear wha–” he started to ask, but then he did hear it: a dry scraping-and-clicking noise that he couldn’t identify.
Squinting into the dimness, they both spotted the sound’s source at virtually the same moment.
The skeletons around the room were coming to life.
Right then, they heard another sound: that of the door to the chamber closing, of its own accord, with a thunderous finality.
They watched, initially dumbfounded but soon delighted, as the skeletons started enacting all the depictions of debauchery contained in the ancient tome. Pretty soon, the only skeletons that were still inert were the ones that were holding the candles and holding up the altar.
At first, all Rennie and Pete could hear was the quiet clacking and scraping of bones against bones. But within minutes, they began to discern moans, sighs, ecstatic cries, and other sex sounds, all of which sounded either muffled or distant.
After a few more minutes had passed, these noises started to become louder and clearer, until the room was all but vibrating with the music of a full-on orgy.
At the same time, the skeletons began glowing with a ghostly blue light that grew progressively brighter and more focused until it took on the sharply-defined shapes of bodies– powerful bodies, beautiful bodies. And beneath their pearlescent blue “skin,” the bones of each reveler remained clearly visible.
Whatever objects the orgiasts needed– including but certainly not limited to chains, a cage, dildos made of leather, dildos made of jade, and whips from various cultures and time periods– appeared in similarly ethereal form the moment they were required.
Eventually, two of the skeletons looked over at Pete and Rennie, and began to walk towards them. This was the first time their presence had been directly acknowledged since the orgy had begun.
Instinctively knowing what the spirits wanted, they stood up. Pete quickly set the book back where they had found it, and extinguished the oil lamp.
Stimulated as they were by all they’d seen so far, he and Rennie were relieved to know that they weren’t to remain mere witnesses– and were only too happy to let the ghosts relieve them of their cumbersome clothing, and lead them into the fray.
Pete felt the lips of one of the prettiest of the wraiths seal around his cock– and there was nothing insubstantial or subtle about the sensation…
Rennie, meanwhile, was taken to a cross which had a dildo, jutting out at just the right angle and height, as part of its structure. She was made to mount it, and they tied her wrists to the crosspiece.
She supposed she shouldn’t be so surprised to find that, despite their translucence and wispy appearance, the ropes, the cross, and the polished wooden shaft all felt as real as anything she had experienced in the world above…
Sometime later, they remembered the book and became curious about the rest of its contents. They’d been about three quarters of the way through it when they’d gotten pulled into the orgy.
So, they extricated themselves from the festivities for the time being, and made their way back to the altar.
The Sexus Divinus was gone.