The city of Chandigarh is known for its high standards of living of its people,…
Another Place, Another Time
I threw one end of the rope over a low limb of the oak tree, the other end was tied to the cuffs on the girls wrists. I pulled her arms up over her head until she was almost on her toes, her ankles tied to a short (about 2 feet long) spreader bar. As she stood there with her hands over her head, stretched and helpless I thought to myself that she would bring a very good price at the auction. She wore the slave rag I had given her, but the trip had taken it’s toll and there was barely enough to cover her sex as she stood with her hands so high. One nipple peaked through the fabric and it hung off her shoulder on the other side so that the firm slope of her other breast was exposed almost to the areola. I gagged her with a piece of cloth I had been using as a handkerchief securing it with a leather thong.
Satisfied that she was not going anywhere I set off to find some game for our evening meal. We had been traveling for 5 days now and I had not found any game this day. I made a circle of about 2 miles slowly moving through the underbrush and forest. After about an hour I spied a small deer feeding in a glade, he was up wind so I carefully made my way on my belly to within about 20 yards of him and drew the arrow in my bow. Just as I was about to let fly he threw his head into the air preparing to escape, as he made his jump I allowed for it and loosed my arrow. I got him fairly behind the shoulder and didn’t have to track him but about a quarter of a mile to finish the kill. I skinned him and wrapped the meat in the pelt and proceeded back to where I had left my girl.
As I neared the edge of the clearing, I could see across to the other side where I had tied her. She had company, I saw two rough clad men who were fondling her and I knew that if I didn’t hurry they would make off with her. I quickly made my way around the clearing, keeping well back behind the tree line and tying the deer meat to a branch of a tree went to ground once again, moving swiftly but silently to where I could now hear voices.
As I came closer it became apparent that there were three of them and they were in the process of untying my girl. I peeked through the brush still on my stomach and saw that they had torn off the slave rag and were fondling her breasts, as I watched one of them with his foot braced against the spreader bar was feeling her sex. “She is as hot as she can be, nice and juicy” I heard him say. “When her owner returns we will do him in and all have a great time with her before we take her to Silver City and sell her off.” Another (evidently the leader) agreed and instructed the other two to hide themselves until I returned.
One of them came toward me and I thought surely the game was up, but he stepped behind a tree about ten yards in front of where I was concealed. The other went to my right about the same distance and climbed up a tree to hide in the branches. The leader settled down against a tree where he could see the approaches across the clearing.
As quietly as a snake I wriggled toward the closest thug. It took about 20 minutes for me to be in position just behind his boots as he peered around the tree. I rose up behind him and with my forearm around his throat pulled him to the ground and broke his neck. It took another ten minutes to get into position, then I put an arrow into the throat of the other one in the tree pinning him to the trunk. Swiftly then standing in plain sight I walked toward the remaining rogue with my arrow notched and aimed between his eyes. He stood, not yet aware that his men were no longer able to come to his aid. “Hello stranger, no need to be afraid, I was just admiring your slave girl and if you are of a mind to sell her would like to make an offer.” As he said this his eyes wondered behind me, expecting to see his henchmen appear. “Lay your weapons by the tree and move away to the right,” I said, he blustered and made remarks that I must be a bandit to treat a fellow traveler this way as he slowly began to obey, all the time looking past me into the forest for his men. I drew the arrow to the fletch and watched carefully as he finally left his blade and knife on the ground and moved as I had directed. “Now remove your clothes,” I said, “Both of your men are dead and so will you be if you do not quickly do as I say.”
The brigand had such a look of disbelief on his face, but after searching the forest behind me once again and satisfied that the other were indeed dead he began to remove his clothing. I glanced at my slave girl and could see the fear in her eyes. I had no time for her now. When the fellow was standing in just his underpants I bade him to lie on his face with his hands behind his back and swiftly bound his hands and feet with rawhide strips. Now I could take a deep breath and see to my girl, I went to her and removed the gag, “Oh Master, your girl was so scared, they came scarcely a half hour after you left and from their conversation, have been watching us since this morning waiting for the opportunity to kill you and steal me.” “I bid her to be silent or I would replace the gag.”
Relieved that they had not harmed or damaged her I returned to where the lone survivor of the botched attempt lay on his belly. He began to plead for his life and I promptly stuffed the gag I had taken from the girl into his mouth and secured it with another piece of leather string. I then cut his underpants from him and turned him over on his back, he was a poor specimen, dirty and smelling of stale sweat who knows what else.
I made a loop with a long piece of rawhide thong and secured it around his balls, pushed it between his legs and rolled him over once again then passed the thong over the limb of the tree ad tied it off. Then tied his hands to the thong binding his legs in a hogtie. Any movement would prove quite distressing.
I gathered up his weapons and the few coins he had in his purse and put them together with his clothing in a pile beside the girl. “I am going to retrieve the spoils from the other cut throats then I will fetch the deer I killed.” Stay as you are and do not make a sound unless that fellow tries to get up, in which case you will scream loud enough to warn me, understand?” “Yes my Lord”
By the time I had all the arms, clothing and anything else of value collected from the two dead men and had brought in the deer meat I felt like I had done a full days work. I untied the girl, hobbled her, and set her to building a fire and cooking our meal. We had a couple of potatoes and a small pone of bread in our pack and in the packs of the robbers I found some salt, (a very good find indeed) and some other spices.
While she was thus busy with this I took inventory of the spoils, two swords, a spear and a moderately good bow, and 9 arrows, which were not of the best, but serviceable for short shots. Their clothing wasn’t much but worth something, the same for their footwear.
There was between them one gold piece and silver coins worth about another two gold pieces. There were some spices as I mentioned and a small amount of dried meat, 4 turnips and 8 carrots. Not a bad haul I thought to myself. In addition I had now had a pack animal. He was not worth much as a slave for the market, but would be useful until we arrived at Silver City and there I would sell him for whatever he would bring.
When the fire was going well and the girl was preparing the food I stuck an iron rod into the fire, in about ten minutes it was hot enough. I had the girl sit on the head of my new acquisition to help hold him still while I branded him on his left hip. I did a fair job of it, although didn’t take as much care as I had when I had branded the girl the previous week, after all he wasn’t worth all that much effort.
In this place and at this time slavery was rampant. Most slaves were girls or women, but there were some male slaves. If one was captured by anyone else they could be made slave, branded and sold. Many women although not willing to admit it even to themselves dreamed of being captured and made to serve men, to have no choice, to be made responsive. If they did not respond fully or be found displeasing in any way they could be killed or whipped to the point that they would not dare withhold their passion, they had the freedom to experience their passion like no free woman ever could, because when you have no choice you can not hold back the inner slut and you revel in the release of your most inner fires. Thus the term slave belly, or when a slave girl had a fire in her belly which could only be quenched by passionate use by masters.
I had come upon the girl quite by accident a week before as I was traveling through another patch of woods on a little used road. I had heard a noise off the road, thinking there might be game I slipped through the trees and there in a glade saw two men fighting with swords. As I watched the two men struck each other, as one thrust his blade through the chest of the other, he in turn was mortally wounded by a slash across his throat by his opponent. I watched them both fall and waited a few minutes to make sure they were both dead, then made my way into the clearing where I saw that there were two more dead men and evidently there had been quite a battle.
I took the coins from their purses and their weapons, made a neat bundle and was going to leave when I heard sobbing, on further examination tied to a tree trunk was this girl, obviously a very pretty slave. I quickly untied her put a thong around her neck, gagged and hobbled her and had her carry the bundle of weapons to the next village where I traded them for supplies and a few coins. She had been with me since.
The girl brought my meal and kneeling by my side waited for any scraps I would feed her. She had done well in preparing the food, a little spice and salt helps a great deal. I fed her from my hand as I ate and when I was finished told her to clean everything up then to “wash yourself in the stream and as you do so take these stinking clothes and get them as clean as possible, laying them out to dry”. As the sun was going down it would be dark by the time she finished. After I had bathed myself upstream from where the girl was busy with the laundry, I went to the fellow who so recently was a free man and sat before his face as I removed the gag. He did not speak, he had been branded and was now and forever a slave.
I spoke to him, “What were you called when you were free, what was your name?”
“Sam Worth” was the response.
“Very well I shall continue to call you sam, you are used to it and it is an easy name to remember. Do you acknowledge me your Master,?”
“Yes Master, you captured and branded me fairly, I am your chattel.”
“Tell me about your life before today.” I said.
“I have been a farm worker all my life on one farm., and the last few years have been a supervisor over the field slaves. About 6 months ago the farm was sold and I was released with no where to go, I have lived by my wits in the forest.”
I realized that an experienced field supervisor might bring a pretty penny at the auction if handled right. I had the girl bring him a piece of the dried meat and a measure of water and made her feed it to him, he still hogtied and lying in the dirt.
I bade the girl (who I had not chosen to name) prepare my blankets and as she did so I looked at her in the fire light. She was indeed a beauty, she had wavy auburn hair to her neck which was most shapely and as my eyes continued down, you couldn’t miss her breasts which were perfect cones well supported by muscle in that they were wide and full with quite large nipples which were very sensitive and responsive to the touch. Her belly was almost flat with just a hint of roundness before it fell away to the little peach of a pussy, hairless as it had been plucked out at some point in her life. Her bottom was rounded and as perfect in it’s own way as her breasts were. If she had a fault it was that her legs, although well formed were not quite long enough it seemed to me. She would have been a more balanced and perfect slave had her legs been not quite so short, but I had to admit it was a very small flaw and would not have been noticed by most slavers and hardly any common men at all. Still she was a lovely piece and I was her Master.
I called her to my blankets as I lay down and removed the hobbles and held the covers up for her to join me. As she lay down she was already hot. I had hardly touched her the whole day and with the handling she had received from the brigands she had been in an aroused state for hours now. She looked into my eyes for permission and I gave it as her hand circled my cock, I took her by the hair and raised her mouth to mine as I kissed her long and deeply, her breath catching and gasping as I let my tongue and lips have their way with hers. I took in my fingers the most available nipple and pinching it gave it a twist and pulled on it to make the nipple grow, her hips begin to hump against my leg as she becomes so lost in her passion that she doesn’t realize what she is doing.
I took her nipple in my mouth and sucked it gently as I moved my hand to her mons, then slipped the middle finger over the clit, lingering only briefly before sliding it between the lips. She was well heated and slippery so I inserted two fingers and moved them slowly in and out. I released the nipple to warn her not to cum and she shut her eyes tightly as she tried to control the rising passion, her hand now moving quickly over my now very hard cock I took the nipple back in my mouth and worried it with my tongue and teeth for a few moments then pulled her on top as I rolled to my back. She moaned as I dredged the head of my organ back and forth between the lips, being sure to nudge the clit as it passed by, then let her have the head, she wasted no time engulfing all of the large piece. It was still a tight fit, but she accommodated it well with just three or four strokes and moaning and panting she sat straight up on it and took it all until her mons was tight against my pubic bone. Then she began to ride, in the moonlight I saw that she was biting her lip, which was what she did to try to keep from having an orgasm without permission.
I was soon feeling the rise of my own climax and said; “You may cum with your master my sweet.” No sooner said than done, with much bucking and crying and moaning we both erupted. When she had stopped quaking with the after shocks I pushed her head to indicate she should go down and clean me, she did so admirably and sucked the residue from my organ.
Before I would let her nestle in for the night I had her throw a tarp over the new slave.
The next morning after she had prepared my breakfast of bread and gravy which I shared with her. I untied and hobbled the male slave sam, gave him some food and had the two of them pack up our goods and supplies for the days journey. I let her wear one of the shirts taken from one of the bandits, with a piece of leather around it for a belt she looked quite fetching. I also allowed sam to dress in his now cleaned clothing. I wished to remove myself from this area quickly, so we set off early to continue our journey to Silver City. I put sam in front with the girl next, they fastened together at their necks by a length of rawhide thong, I brought up the rear.
The mornings trek was without incident and we made good time. In the late afternoon we came around a curve in the road and found ourselves looking at the town of Silver City, it was still probably an hour away, but I wanted to get there and through the gates before sundown when they would be closed for the night. I wanted to sleep in a bed this night. We push on and just made it through before the gates were closed. I stopped and had a look, I had never been here before. Sam however had been here and guided us to a tavern where he said we could get lodging for the night.
The Boars Head was a typical place with rooms over the bar and dining area. I made arrangements for a room for myself and the girl, the male slave sam would be lodged in the barn with the other animals and slaves. When I had inspected the lodgings and sam had stowed my belongings under the bed, I paid with the money taken from the thugs and thought to myself that it was fitting.. I took a seat at a table in the dining area, the girl kneeling at my side, and ordered a bowl of stew and a tankard of beer as the overseer of the barn brought me the key to the shackles with which sam had been fitted. The stew and fresh baked bread was really quite good and when I had eaten my fill I put the bowl on the floor in front of the girl so that she could feed as I finished my beer.
There were probably twenty patrons in the place a few like myself with a slave tethered next to them or tied at the slave rings along the wall by the fireplace. I asked the pretty red haired slave girl who waited on me about the slave auctions. She looked at my girl as she told me that they were held each morning at 10 AM less than a block from the Boars Head and gave me directions. I rose and led the slave girl up the stairs to the bed which had been assigned to me, one of 4 in a room at the top of the stairs. For an extra small silver coin the inn keeper allowed me to choose the bed in the far corner of the room.
I put the girl on her back and tied her hands to the ring in the wall for that purpose, tied the loose end of the thong around her neck to my upper arm and went to sleep. I awakened in the night at a slight tug on the thong tied to my arm, the room was pitch black and I could see nothing. My sword which had been next to me in the bed came free with a swoosh of the covers as I felt another pull on the thong. I jumped to my feet and yelled “THIEF THIEF HERE STOP HIM. The door burst open and light came in enough to see one man at the foot of the bed another on the other side trying to pull the girl off the bed, he couldn’t of course because her neck was tied to my arm, he had stuffed a rag of some kind into her mouth to keep her silent and had cut through the bindings to the slave ring. Quick as a cat I lunged across the bed and skewered him in the throat, cut the cord between me and the girl and jumped after the other one. He turned to run for the door but wasn’t fast enough and I ran him through before he had taken the second step. I wiped my blade on his clothes and turned to check on my girl, my god she was a lot of trouble, twice in as many days someone had tried to steal her. She was pulling the dirty rag from her mouth, falling to her knees crying hysterically, she began to beg me to forgive her, that they didn’t give her a chance to warn me. I picked her up by her hair and looked her over in the dim light, she didn’t appear damaged except for a burn mark on her neck from the leather thong. By now there were several people coming into the room including the proprietor. It was evident what had taken place, the girl’s bindings had been cut and I had called for help. The owner said that the two had just arrived and had taken lodging for the night. They had been assigned to this room, evidently seeing the girl when the door was open they decided to steal her, that I had protected my property was understandable and there would be no problem. The owner and I would share the belongings of the two in payment for the trouble and he would dispose of the bodies.
Everyone else left and I once again prepared for bed. I held the girl, wiped her tears and gently put her back in bed. I didn’t tie her hands but lay with her head on my shoulder as I wondered once again what it was about her that had caused me so much trouble and eight men their lives. The four I had killed and the four who were dead when I had found her. I asked her “What was your name girl before you were taken?’ “Christine, my Lord”
“Did anyone ever call you Chrissie?”
“My father called me that sir.”
“Very well I shall call you chrissie, that will be your name.”
“Thank you sir for giving your girl a name.”
“When were you taken. You were not born a slave, you had not been branded before I found you?”
“I was taken about four weeks before you found me by the four who were fighting.”
I thought about this as I lay there and wanted to ask her more, but I had an erection and she was stroking it. What is a master to do? I fondled her breasts and checked her sex, she was as always very ready so I lifted her atop the pole and slid her down as I pulled her lips to mine. She was getting used to my size and didn’t have nearly the problem she had when I first captured her. She eagerly began to move and I took her nipples in my fingers and rolled them back and forth as she became more and more excited and then in such a short time begged for release which I granted. She thrust herself down to the root and cried out with the force of the pent up passion. When she had recovered somewhat, I rolled her under me and proceeded to take her hard and fast as this was what I wanted at the time. She came as I did and wrapped both her legs and arms around me tightly sobbing and crying out her love for her master. We went to sleep in that position and when I woke the next morning I had to massage her leg which had been under me before she could stand.
I took breakfast in the dinning room of the Inn, chrissie as before kneeling by my side. As I looked down on her I considered if I should keep her, she was truly a beautiful girl and she had fallen in love with her master. Of course that is what slave girls do, fall in love with their masters. No, I had come here to sell her and the male slave sam. That is what I would do.
I finished breakfast and collected sam, had him and chrissie carry the belongings first to a arms dealer where I sold the weapons, I had taken from the three bandits, then to a used clothing store where I sold all but what the slaves were wearing. Now much lighter we went to find the slave auction. We arrived just as a pair of girls were being sold and I watched the bidding to see what price was being paid. The pair went for 4 gold pieces, not as much as I hoped to get for my two slaves, but then chrissie was much prettier. I watched a male laborer about sam’s age and condition go for one and a half pieces of gold. Sam should bring more since he was a slave overseer.
I took my two slaves over to the registration desk and after showing their brands and having them examined for flaws was just about to sign the release when I as approached by two men, evidently quite prosperous by their look. The taller of the two asked if I was offering the two slaves for sale, I replied that I was.indeed. He then asked what I was expecting to receive for the pair. I named a figure twice what I thought they were worth ten pieces of gold, thinking that they would negotiate down to a more reasonable price. To my surprise the shorter one nodded his head and told the other to pay me. Alarms went off in my head, one or both must be very special for some reason and if they were worth that kind of money I would keep them for another day to see why.
I apologized and told them that I would not be selling them until tomorrow, but if they wanted to meet me at the same place in the morning we could do business. I loaded the supplies and belongings on the two slaves and with a strong thong connected between their necks we set off through town. I have been around almost fifty years now and knew something smelled in silver City. I watched the streets behind and sure enough soon spotted not one but two men trailing us, one on each side of the street, they were good, but not as good as their quarry. I led them a merry chase through the street of vendors, in and out of several stalls, tying the slaves in front while I looked at the wares inside, and around several corners before I set up the ambush. I picked a stall on a corner and tying the slaves once again in front wondered inside, then as quickly as possible without causing a disturbance went out through the side door and down half a block and back over to the street where I had started, but now behind the stalkers.
I spotted them loitering and watching, the one on my left about 15 yards from the shop where the two slaves were tied, the one on my right about 5 yards closer to me. He was standing in front of a clothing shop fingering a display of shirts, I spoke just as I let him feel the point of my dagger under his left shoulder blade. “Very quietly move around the corner my friend, any sign from your companion that he sees anything amiss and you are a dead man.” With that I guided him back and around the corner of the building. I then slammed him up against the wall and asked, “Why are you two following me and do not try to evade the question or lie to me, you are in great danger.” A moment of blustering was cut short by letting him feel the point of my knife at his throat.
“Please sir, we were told to follow and if there was a chance to grab the girl, we were not told to harm you.” I knew this to be a half truth.
“Who wants the girl?”
“We were hired by two men by the names of Agar and Whist.”
“Describe them.”
“Agar is tall, with a short black beard. Whist is shorter, clean shaven.”
These were the same two who had made the offer for the slaves earlier. “Why do they want the girl?”
“I don’t know sir, please don’t kill me, I will quickly disappear I promise, you will never see me again.”
“Against my better judgement I am going to let you go, but if I ever see you again you will not be so lucky. Go through this alley and don’t look back.”
I then turned back around the corner to see the other one coming across the street, no doubt to look for his friend. He didn’t see me yet so I ducked back around the corner. Soon he came past looking down the alley and I quickly grabbed him and slammed him up against the wall, my knife at his throat. “I have killed your companion I hissed, do you also want to die?”
“No no please, I am just a poor employee doing as instructed.”
“What do Agar and Whist want with the girl?”
“Please Sir, do not harm me, all I know is I overheard them say that she has the key to great riches, beyond that I do not know anything.”
I told him I was feeling benevolent and I would let him live if he would assure me that he would not report to his employers, but that he should change his occupation, because in the first place he was not good at it and in the second place if I ever saw his face again I would make it my business to kill him as dead as his companion. Satisfied that he was scared and would do as I suggested I released him and after making sure that he was well away and not watching I returned to my slaves.
We were on the north side of the city close to the North gate. Stopping only twice to buy some supplies and watching our trail I hurried them through the gate and on the road toward Bentonville. We traveled perhaps two miles before finding a trail which went East, being careful to assure myself that no one else was in sight we quickly took the new trail and disappeared into the forest.
We traveled about two miles watching our back trail before I felt safe enough to stop. I led the way on a game trail a good half mile off the beaten path until we came to a small stream with a good open place to make camp. The two slaves were still fastened together by the leather thong, and it wasn’t until I untied it that I saw that both were rope burned where it had chafed them during the hectic series of movements. I tied the male, sam to an oak tree in such a manner that he was able to rest on his knees, and he settled there with evident pleasure, glad of the rest. I turned to chrissie and put some salve on her neck to help the chafing the led her a short distance from sam and bid her to sit beside me.
“Master, may a girl speak?”
“Yes my pet.”
“Why are those men following us?”
“They want you my dear, and to understand what we are up against I need some information from you.”
“Of course my Master, anything.”
“Tell me about your life before you were taken.”
“I lived in the town of Thomasville with my father and two brothers, we were happy and lived well if not lavishly, my father worked as the accountant and overseer of the opal mine there. We had two servants, girls who did the cooking, laundry and cleaning.”
“How were you taken?”
“One day as I went into the market place I was captured, a bag placed over my head and I was taken to a bandit camp several miles from town. There I was used by all who wanted me just as all the other girls they had captured. One night I was chosen by the largest of the men you found me with, he took me to his shack and in the middle of the night the other three came, they gagged and blindfolded me and we began the journey which led to the place where you found me. We had traveled for five days before they began to fight among themselves and finally killed each other as you saw.
“Do you know what they fought about?”
“I overheard them talking about opals and that they could get ransom from my father.”
“From what you have said so far I gathered that your father was well enough off, but not a rich man.”
“This is true, but they seemed to think that he had access to great wealth as a result of his position. While my father loved me very much, I can’t believe he would do anything illegal to save me, especially since I had been made a slave.”
This was true, once a person, man or woman was made a slave they were always a slave and had stopped being a person. Now she was akin to an animal in the eyes of the law and almost all people treated those family members who had been enslaved as if they were dead.
I pushed her onto her back and lay my head on her stomach, I wanted to rest and think. I laced my fingers behind my head as I lay there and in a few moments felt her hand touching my arm where it came out of the sleeve, then stroking it. When I woke she was still stroking my arm, but I noticed that my hand and forearm on the other side had evidently slipped so that it was lying on her mons, I could feel the heat through the material of the shirt which we had converted to a smock and she was very slightly moving her hips so that her sex was being excited by the contact. Slave girls are very passionate and become aroused very easily, this one was no exception. I glanced at where I had left sam and saw that he was asleep leaning against the tree to which he was tied.
I moved my hand under the shirt tail and between her legs which she immediately spread apart. She was very wet and ready. Soon she was panting with need and I had been feeling my erection growing ever since I had woken up, now it was a raging hard on.
With my other hand I unbuttoned the shirt and found her breast, her hand clenched on my arm as my fingers searched out her nipple and began to fondle it, then to lightly pinch and twist it in time with the movement of two of my fingers on the other hand moving in and out of her pussy. I warned her not to cum without permission and felt her muscles stiffen with the need to restrain herself. Soon I wanted more and rose to my knees to pull my cock from the front of my pants, she needed no invitation to take it in her mouth and soon was giving me one of her best tongue lashings.
In a very few minutes I realized I was getting close to a climax and pulled out of her mouth, positioned myself between her legs and proceeded use her hard and fast. She was even closer than I was but when I could see that she was about to lose it I gave her permission. She tried to be quiet, but couldn’t help the moans and soft cries which escaped as the series of orgasms went on and on, her pussy clenching my cock with every one as I continued pumping in and out of her until I could restrain it no longer and I came with her. A few minutes later as she was cleaning me with her tongue, I glanced to where sam was tied, to find him watching with a hungry look as chrissie took care of her master.
He averted his eyes quickly when he perceived that I was looking at him.
I had to make some decisions. I hobbled chrissie and instructed her to gather some wood for a fire, then went to where sam lay. “Tell me my man, why did you and the other two attack my camp when I captured you ?’
“Honestly Master, we came across the girl tied to the tree and but wanted a bit of fun with her, we knew you would be back and lay in wait so we could deal with you first.”
“You know that I can kill you yet, if I think you are not telling me all of it.” With that I drew my blade.
“Wait please my Lord, there was a bit more, we had heard a rumor that there was a girl slave with a reward on her who was last seen on that road, we though she might be the one, she fit the description.”
“Who offered the reward and how much was it?”
“We heard that it was 25 gold pieces sir, as to who offered it I seem to remember it being the chief of a bandit tribe in the Thomasville area.”
Now I knew why chrissie was so much trouble to me, and unless I resolved it or sold her my problems would continue.
“Sam I am considering whether or not to geld you, I saw the way you looked at chrissie as she serviced me and I do not need a male slave, certainly not a male slave who would get ideas. I was going to sell you but I do not wish to go back to Silver City now.”
“You may of course geld me if it pleases you master, but that would require you to either leave me or stay here until I was able to travel again, and if you leave me I might as well be dead, so I would prefer that you kill me outright. If you would consider keeping me I will be the best slave you could ever want, I will serve you well and not attempt to escape and later if you should decide to geld me you could do it in a place and time which would be more convenient.”
Decisions decisions decisions.
Chrissie had gathered the firewood and was kneeling there waiting my orders. I struck the fire in a bunch of dry leaves and had her feed it until it was burning well, then told her to prepare some food, it was getting late and we would spend the night here. I had purchased a rabbit before we left the town and we must eat it before it spoiled so there was more than enough for all three of us and since I expected to be traveling quite hard for the next few days I let both eat their fill.
I had untied sam so he could eat, so after the meal I tied him once again in such a way that he could rest comfortably, and lay down on my blanket with chrissie. She nestled against me with her head on my shoulder and it was very peaceful there in the woods beside the dying embers of the fire.
Chrissie’s hand moved down my stomach to my groin area and since I didn’t stop her began to tease my cock, I fondled her bottom which was under my hand and soon she was once again ready for use. I glanced at sam and once again caught him looking at us. I couldn’t have a horny slave watching every move so I instructed chrissie to go to him and get him off with her hand, she was not to touch him in any other way, but at least he wouldn’t stay horny. I told sam that I was going to have chrissie relieve the pressure on his balls so that I wouldn’t have to geld him, but he was not to touch her in any way. I left him tied and she went to him and fished his cock, already hard (not very large) out of his pants and began to stroke it. She bent over it and spit on the head making it slippery and I could see that sam was indeed getting very much into it, then I looked at chrissie’s face and saw her eyes bright her tongue sticking out between her teeth as her hand moved faster and faster, she was getting off on it as well, until sam made a moaning sound and the sperm shot a good two feet into the air, some of it landing on the girls arm.
Sam said “Thank you Master, Oh, thank you so much.”
Chrissie got up and ran to me and asked permission to kiss me, I took her hair and pulled her lips to mine. I have to admit it was erotic to watch her get sam off and when I felt of her pussy found it very ready for my cock. I pulled her on top, as she seemed to get off so much harder and faster in that position, and taking her breasts in my hands laid back and enjoyed it.
The next morning we breakfasted as the sun was rising, and as soon as it was over I had the two slaves pack and shoulder our belongings and we made our way back to the easterly trail. We traveled without incident until we came to a road going South which we took. By my calculations we should hit the road on which we were traveling two days ago about one days journey south and west of Silver City. We were on our way back to the place where this adventure began, something told me that there was both gold and an end to this problem which I have been having with chrissie. I had become quite fond of her, she was indeed a loving little baggage and better in the blankets by far than any who had shared them before. One of those natural slave girls which every man hopes one day to own, eager to please and always well behaved. Come to think of it I had not had to whip or punish her since I found and claimed her.
We were walking on the road making good time when the sound of running horses came from behind us, since we had just come around a curve we would not yet be in sight so quickly we ran for cover be the side of the road. As we watched 4 riders went by and I was sure that I saw the bigger of the two who had tried to buy chrissie, Agar among them. This was a surprising turn, and we stayed hidden for a few minutes while I thought this through.
Sam spoke, “Master I am sure that I know where we are. We are about a mile and a half from the road on which we traveled earlier after you captured me. There is a game trail a little further which parallels the road, if you would like I can guide you to it through the forest.”
“Very well, lead the way”
I had not replaced the neck strap on the two when we began this trek this morning, but they were tied together by a thong tied to their waists. It was soon evident that this was slowing us down, so I called a halt and after being reassured by sam that he would not try to escape, I removed it and wrapped the thong around chrissie’s waist. Sam had the largest load of supplies and I knew that he couldn’t outrun me.
We continued through the forest and before long came to the trail sam had described. We turned to the east and since it was getting late in the afternoon asked sam if he knew of a good camping spot off the trail, he replied that about one mile ahead there was a stream, and he was sure we could find a good spot beside it. So it was and we went upstream for about one hundred yards and found a perfect spot.