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My Teacher is sooooo good 2

Came the day of my saturday detention. I arrived to school as planned and I met Mr.Lays in his office. I asked him "What are we going to be doing today". He said,"Oh yea, well someone else needs your help". I said ok. He led me into the ceramics room
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So heres how my rape went down.
I was walking to my moms work from school. And on my way I wanted Starbucks so I stopped and got some. I sat down on a bench in the park and drank my coffe. When I got to my moms work I went to the bathroom. When I
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My teacher is sooooooooo good

I was 18. 18 and still had my virginity. I was a very outgoing person and was very envolved in my school. So I was pretty close to almost all my teachers. One day, right after school was dissmissed I was called into the vice-principals office. When I
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