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Get together

It was about six months after our last encounter with Veronica and Rachel when I got a call from Rach. She told me she was having a small get together at her house that weekend and wanted to know if you and I wanted to come. We said yes and soon eno
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Surprises part 2

Part 2: A couple of weeks later, remembering that night you and I had with Ronnie made me horny again.. and the more I thought about it the more I wanted something similar to happen again. I called Veronica and planned a trip to the beach, I didn
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Part 1: I hadn't seen Veronica for quite some time, so we were talking and decided that it was a great idea to have a sleepover. You didn't know about it just yet.. She got to my place at 4pm on Friday and we just hung out and caught up, it was
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