I Like It!
I like sex. I mean...who doesn't right? Thing is.. .seems like when a woman likes it...a little to much...she gets labeled or put into categories. And of course they are usually negative in nature. Tramp. Slut. Whore come to mind.…
Thank You 6
The Future Jessie takes off the blindfold and finds Ray looking down at her. His cock still inside her hard...twitching. She is still flushed with desire...and at the same time angry that Ray deceived her. This was not suppose to…
Thank You 4
Three's Company... Ray was pacing back and forth. He smashed a cigarette into an over flowing ashtray and immediately lit up another. "Where the hell is she?" He said this out loud to an empty room. He had been trying…
Thank You 5
To the Highest Bidder Jessie was putting in long hours between internship and getting her major in Captioning. She had decided to specialize in Broadcast Captioning using Stenomask technology. She liked to use the simpler term "Voice Writer" although there…
Thank You 3
Teachers Pet... Once Jessie got settled in her apartment she turned her attention to her studies. Most of the females there make plenty of time to party...alot already have boyfriends. Jess could care less. This makes her mysterious...and the topic…
Thank You 1
In the Beginning I learned that I could get what I wanted because of my looks. It didn't matter if it was a male or female. But it was the summer after I graduated High School I learned that I…
Thank You…continues
"I miss you Ray. Can you come and see me...please?" He chuckled "I miss you too kid. I got some time off coming. I'll set it up." She liked college and was very serious about her education. What she didn't…