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Sweet Hitchhiker

Sweet Hitchhiker

It all started as I was driving home late one night. It was a cold & rainy night
& I was coming home from a business trip & almost home. As I was coming up to a small town, I saw a woman standing in the road. She was so
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Hiding in the Closet

Hello, my name is Ben & I have a story to tell you all about!
It all started when I was spending the night over at a buddy house.
He had a couple of us guys over to sleep out in him backyard for the night.
Someone said my buddy's sister ha
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Private Dick Part #2

Private Dick
Part #2

As her husband walked in he was looking at me with my cock up his wife's ass. She was just about to jump up to put her clothes back on
When he sat down & said don't stop keep fucking that ass.
She looked at hi
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Private Dick

Private Dick

It was like any other day sitting at my desk waiting for a client to walk in or phone. The private detective business was, to say the least slow.
Most days even when I am working its not what I would call exciting, mostly
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Shadow of Desire

Shadow Of Desire

It was dark in the room as I got home from another day at a shitty job that I couldn't give a dam about. Another late night away from the things I cared about! As I walked into the dark room I could see my wife lying
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