The city of Chandigarh is known for its high standards of living of its people,…
Tim Learns To Share His Wife Anne
It’s the 1970’s. Tim and Anne were dating in high school. Anne was so cute and beautiful. The boys also pursued her. She would meet the boys over in a ditch by the railroad tracks acrossed from the school at lunch time. The kids would smoke cigarettes passing them around. Anne would let the boys rub her nipples or finger fuck her. Eventually she would get so stimulated she would do blowjobs. Anne loved the attention, the sexual stimulations and cocks.
After graduation from high school, Anne and Tim married. Tim was working at a car parts manufacturer. Anne doesn’t waste her time. She goes to nursing school. She graduates in 4 years. She is hired by the local hospital. She works 7-3:30am with rotating days off and Tim works 8-4:30 Monday through Friday.
Tim and Anne bought a large farmhouse on the edge of town. It’s been renovated. They love their home. Anne is involved in the women’s bowling league. The girls go to the next town bowling alley that has been renovated. Every Thursday is girls night.
Anne went to the counter at the bowling alley to get a cola. An older gentleman was getting coffee. He said hello. He said his name is Joe. His respect and gentleness attracted her to him. She said her name is Anne. He said he is with a league next to hers. Anne said she and the girls are at the bowling alley every Thursday night. He said his league is too. He said he is looking for a room to rent. He said he is staying at the”No Tel Mo Tel.” He said he works for the company who in installing natural gas lines. He is an inspector, He said the motel is not a nice placeto stay at. Anne said she might know of a place in her town which is 15 miles away. He would appreciate it. He said the company pays his room and food. She told him to give her his phone number. Anne was called, it is her turn to bowl next.
The following Monday after her talk with Tim she calls the doctors office to have her “tubes tied.” Anne explained to Tim she wants more sex than he can give her. She was sexually active in school with other boys when they were dating. Her needs haven’t changed. He wants to keep her. He loves her. He will share her.
Tim took the afternoon off from his job to be with Anne for the surgery. It was outpatient surgery and was over quickly. Tim decided to have a vasectomy as their lifestyle was changing. His was a snip and he was done.
Anne told Tim about Joe the pipeline inspector. He needs a descent place to stay. She said they could rent out a room upstairs. She said he is in his 30’s and a gentleman. Tim said she is a good judge of character. Call him. The rent money will help with extra renovation on the house. Wednesday evening Bernie called the motel and asked for room #10. Joe answered. He is happy to hear from her. She said she has a room for rent and he is welcome to see it. She is off from work Thursday and Friday. She gave him directions and her phone number. He said thank you. He said are you bowling tomorrow night? She said yes. He was too. He asked if he could follow her home and move in Thursday night. He said how much is the room rent? Anne said $10 a day. He said great.
Thursday night after bowling Joe follows Anne to her house. Anne introduces Tim to Joe. Tim and Anne help Joe carry his clothing to his room. He was so happy he was in a home and not that nasty motel. He paid them for the days left in the month. The company would reimburse him with a receipt which Anne gave him.
Tim had put fresh sheets, blankets and towels in the bedroom. The TV and cable were working. The bathroom was ready with soap and tissue. Joe thanked them. Tim gave Joe the front door key and said goodnight.
Friday, Tim and Anne invited Joe for a picnic in the backyard. They are under a the covered screened porch. There is plenty of food, beer, wine, and fun conversation. It was getting dark. The guys helped Anne with dishes and clearing the table. Tim and Joe are having another beer. They are relaxing and having a great conversation. Anne walks on a path in the backyard with a flashlight. Hidden by brush and trees is a running water pond.
She uses matches to light lanterns around the pond. Anne goes back toward the house and uses the flashlight to signal Tim. Tim tells Joe to follow him. Anne shines the light so they can see the path. She goes back to the pond undresses to go skinny dipping. She drops her clothes on the pier Tim had made for fishing. The lanterns give off enough light to make the pond beautiful but secluded. Tim said to Joe get undressed for skinny dipping. The beach around the pier had sand around it. Tim had put the sand in to protect their feet and for sun tans.
Tim and Joe are in the water. Joe said the water was warm. Anne was at the other end of the pond. She swam under water to Joe. She got some air and went back under the water and gently held his cock in her mouth sucking it. Joe was surprised and wasn’t sure what was happening. Anne came up from the water laughing. Tim said she got you Joe. They all laughed. Anne led Joe to the pier and told him to fuck her in the water. She put her arms along the edge of the pier. Joe lifting and holding her legs to his hips, Anne pushed his cock into her pussy. Joe kissed her as he pumped his cock into her pussy. This girl is horny. She whispers for Joe to fuck her pussy hard. He does. She grunts and is yelling, “yes, oh yes, that’s it, fuck me Joe, oh God yes.” She is squealing as she orgasms. Joe presses his cock deeper and squirts his warm sperm into her pussy. He keeps pumping her pussy as she orgasms, panting, squealing from being stimulated. When finished fucking Anne, Joe kisses her. She puts her arms around Joe’s neck. He pulls her body pressing her into him. They kiss. She thanked Joe for his love.
She swims away to Tim. Tim has a raging hard on. She swims under water to him and sucks his cock. She come up for air. He pulls her to him French kissing her. She puts her arms around his neck and he stuffs his coch into her pussy. She has her legs around him. He holds her ass cheeks using her body to fuck his cock. He moves her back and forth rapidly. She’s hollering “Tim, fuck me baby, I love you, oh yes. I’m cumming,” as she is panting. Tim says he is cumming. He squirts her pussy and she is orgasming, squealing and her body spasms from all of the stimulations. She kisses Tim whispering she loves him. She thanks him for sharing her. For his understanding of her needs. She French kisses him.
It’s Saturday morning. Anne is working at the hospital. Tim and Joe have breakfast on the enclosed porch. Joe is becoming family to Anne and Tim. The guys talk about many things. Then Tim says he thinks Anne wants more lovers. Joe agrees. Tim says it’s a small town and we all are watched. Joe agreed. Joe said it worked with his relationship with them as it wasn’t a local thing when he met Anne at the bowling alley. Joe told Tim he has 3 young Vietnam Vets who he trusts on the job and off the job. They came home from Nam and found girlfriends with someone else or being divorced. He said the guys are hurting. He said they can be trusted to respect you and Anne. Tim said tell the guys their invited to a barbecue next Saturday. Joe smiled and asked, like they had? Tim smiled and replied, yes.
It’s the following Saturday. Joe had given Bob, Pete, and Larry directions to the farm house. They are Vietnam Vets like Joe. Tim is barbecuing dinner. Anne made her famous potato salad. Don’t forget Anne’s delicious baked beans.
The guys drive into the driveway in a pickup truck about 4pm. Dinner will be at 5pm. Tim, Anne and Joe greet Bob, Pete, and Larry. They lead the guys to the back porch for beer. Joe sits with the guys at the picnic table. Tim is almost done with the barbecue chicken,beef ribs and corn on the cob.
Tim, Anne, and Joe bring platters of chicken,beef ribs and corn on the cob with all of the fixings. They set up buffet style on a large table on the porch. They tell the guys”help yourself.” They do. Another large picnic table is for their dining pleasure.
Except for Joe everyone else is in their 20’s. They laugh and have great conversations. After a couple of hours Tim and Joe clean up the buffet table and refrigerate the leftovers. It’s getting dark. Anne walks down to the pond and lights the lanterns around the pond. Tim told Anne to take the guys to the pond while he and John do the dishes. She said are you sure? Tim kissed her and said yes. He said he would be down after dishwashing.
Anne used her flashlight to guide them to the pond. They were impressed with the hidden beautiful pond. She took her clothes off and said last one in the pond is a rotten egg. She ran down the little beach into the water. The guys yelled wait for us as they put their clothes on the dock. Anne swam under the water and ended up in the middle of 3 of them. Joe had told them Tim and Anne were open about sex. He didn’t lie. She pulled their cocks and sucked them under water. They took turns fucking her pussy with her arms around their necks and her legs around their bodies while she rode their cocks. They shot their copious sperm in her pussy. She was so stimulated she was grunting, squealing and orgasming. They passed her around to each other fucking her again and again. She gave them blowjobs to stimulate them to fuck her.
The 3 guys were slowing down when Tim and Joe swam over to them. Tim picked Anne up kissing her. She wrapped her legs around him as the guys watched and held her legs up fucked her well stretched and lubricated pussy. She is yelling “fuck me Tim. I love your cock. Oh yes.” She kisses him. As she French kisses Tim he squirts her pussy and she orgasms and spasms from the stimulation in her pussy from his cock. Her pussy is still twitching after he pulls his cock out.
Tim holds her for a few minutes then passes her to Joe. Joe takes Anne to the pier and she holds on to a board on wth her arms and hands as Joe picks her legs up holding them she puts his cock into her pussy, he pushes and pumps her
pussy in the water. He slowly deep fucks her and she is groaning and moaning. She tells Joe “he feels good. She says fuck me Joe, fuck me deep Joe, breed me Joe.” When she says that he French kisses her and ramming his cock into her pussy deep,hard. He squirts her pussy telling her he is breeding her with his sperm. He said don’t tell Tim. She said his warm sperm felt good. He said he wants to breed her and she said her pussy is his. Just ask. What he doesn’t know is she had her tubes tied but she will always have his attention. He will be horny for her. Tim heard the discussion and knew what Anne was doing. He smiled.
After the pond escapade everyone dressed and went back to the house. It was decided after a few more beers the guys would stay overnight upstairs. Tim got them towels and washcloth. The beds were made. All the guys had to do was lay down and sleep.
Finally everyone went to bed. Anne kissed and hugged Tim for his love and understanding. Anne sleeps naked with Tim. He fell asleep. About 2:30am Anne quietly gets out of bed and goes upstairs. The 3 guys end up sleeping with her in one bed upstairs. Two of them joined her and Bob. They kissed her goodnight.
It’s Sunday morning 7am. Tim is an early riser. He looks for Anne. She isn’t in the bathroom or kitchen. He quietly goes upstairs. He checks room to room and finds her sleeping naked with sleeping guys. They love her as much as he does.
Tim makes coffee. One the guys comes downstairs for coffee. He aske Tim how Anne likes her coffee? Tim said milk and 2 sugars. He thanked Tim. He took the coffee upstairs. Anne stayed with the guys the rest of the morning. He heard her squealing as she does as she is squirted.
The guys fucked her pussy, ass, and she did deep throat on their cocks. She had them feed her their sperm from her pussy and thighs. They were amazed she ate their cum. She said they were now a part of her. They would fill her holes again and again and again. She was swimming in cum. Anne is a cum dump and loves it. She never in her life was fucked that much.
Anne finally showers and the guys wash her. They hug and kiss her. They towel dry this beautiful 4’8″ little girl.
Anne has no clothes on when she goes downstairs. She goes to the kitchen and kisses Tim and Joe. She is naturally uninhibited. She sits at the table and Tim made her scrambled eggs, toast and bacon. She kisses Tim. She looks into his eyes and tells him she loves him. He said he loves her too. He pours her coffee.
The guys come downstairs dressed. Tim makes more eggs and toast. There is extra bacon cooked. The guys sit with Anne kissing her. She loves the attention. She has her breakfast. She relaxes having her coffee. Anne especially likes Bob. He sits next to her. She leans on him. He puts his arm around her. He finger fucks her under the table. She opens her legs. He kisses her and French kisses her. They go back upstairs and the other 2 guys follow. They make love to her and fuck her all afternoon.
The guys shower and wash Anne. She hugs and kisses them. She loves them.
Anne goes downstairs to her bedroom and puts her little shorts on and a tube top. She is beautiful. Tim sees how she is dressed and figures the guys will stay longer.
Bob, Pete and Larry approach Tim and Anne. They said they would like to rent rooms from them as the hotel their in is in bad shape. Not livable. Tim looked at Joe and Joe agreed. Anne said looking at Tim, “please let them move in.” He said”will I see you once in awhile?” She said I love you. He said “okay.” The guys were happy to get out of that motel.
…Bob, Pete, And Larry Move In With Tim And Anne…cont’d