The city of Chandigarh is known for its high standards of living of its people,…
The next morning I woke up and Angel was making breakfast. As I staggered to the kitchen table, Angel was bouncing all around making a huge breakfast.
I didn’t have an appetite, but Angel put a plate full in front of me and I just picked at it and ate a few bites. Angel told me I had to go back to work at the school, and I just sat there trying to ignore her.
After picking my food for half an hour, Angel dragged me upstairs and into the shower. Angel had to undress me and physically put me into the shower, I so emotionally and physically drained, and I couldn’t do anything.
All I did was stand there and let the water pour down on top of me, Angel had to take off her clothes and get into the shower and actually wash my body. As she washed me, she would tell me that everything would be fine, we would find Ana alive and well and it would be as if nothing happened.
When I turned around for Angel to wash my front, Angel went on and on about how everything would be fine again. She was looking right into my eyes and telling me all this, but in my heart, I knew she was lying, I knew she had done something to the only person I ever or could love.
Angel dried me off and helped me get dressed. Angel forced me to go with her to the school and get back to work. I was like a walking zombie. I just went through the motions of going through the day; I did care about anything but getting my Ana back.
Everybody was happy seeing me back. When I went into my office, there was a big bouquet of flowers on my desk. I read the card and it had a nice thoughtful message about how they knew that Ana would be found alive and well and back in my arms soon, but they had no idea what was coming.
I went through the motions of teaching my first several classes, the day seemed to go on forever. At lunchtime I just sat in the teacher’s lunchroom and stared at the wall. Several of the other teachers came over and tried to cheer me up, but nothing worked.
After lunch I had a session with Jackie and Kathleen, two of the students who were in my photography class. Jackie was behind the camera and Kathleen and I were her models.
Kathleen and I started making out and Jackie started taking pictures. As we kissed, our hands started undressing each other. I had Jackie’s shirt and bra off first and started to devour them with my tongue.
Kathleen went for my pants and panties and quickly had me lying on my back with her head buried between my legs, devouring my pussy and its juices.
I was a good model, not looking at the camera, but I just lay there, letting Kathleen do what she wanted with me. I tried to enjoy it, but couldn’t, all I could think about was Ana.
After the photo shoot was finished, the three of went back to the classroom and looked at the images. Jackie took excellent images, but you could very easily tell I was not into it at all.
I had a blank look staring off into space in all of the images. I looked like a stiff board lying on the cushioned floor, like I was in pain during the entire time.
Jackie and Kathleen didn’t seem to notice the blank stare on my face. They were very happy the way the images turned out, but I wasn’t.
The rest of the day was the same as the morning; I just went through all the motions of doing my work. I was about to call it a day when the Mother Superior walked into my office.
She walked up and sat down in front of my desk and just sat there. She spun my laptop around and started looking at the images from the photo shoot earlier in the day.
After looking at several of them, she finally spoke, “Jessica, it’s good to have you back, but the other teachers and students are concerned about you. We all know you miss Ana, but you can’t let it consume you. We are all praying for Ana’s safe return.”
I laughed right in her face. She had the nerve to bring up prayer to me. I looked at her and said, “You bring up prayer? You are not even a real nun,” I pointed all around the room and continued, “All this is just nothing but a cover for your little sex school. You and the rest of the teachers are just training these young women to be obedient little sluts, not giving a shit about the religion at all, and all for your enjoyment.
Mother Superior didn’t know what to say. I took off my clothes and sat on the front edge of my desk, inches from Mother Superior and continued, “I can see you want me, you’re drooling, like a dog does when he sees a juicy bone.”
I took her hand and made her rub my pussy; I spread my legs and continue, “Is that what you want? Or should I lie down?
I pushed everything off my desk and lay down on top of it. I tilted my head and looked at Mother Superior and said, “I know this is what you want, this is always what you want. Go ahead and take what you want from me, I don’t care anymore.”
Mother Superior stood up, for a moment it looked like she was going to join me on my desk, but instead, she slowly walked toward the door and said, “I guess I was wrong, you really are not ready to come back or even deal with reality. I expect you to get dressed and gather your personal belonging and property. You’re services are no longer needed or wanted here.”
As she was about to walk through the doorway, I stood up in front of my desk, still completely naked and said, “You are not going to fire me, if you do, I am sure the authorities would love to really know what is taught here.”
Mother Superior stopped in the doorway, she turned and looked at and said before leaving, “Oh I don’t think so, because you would be in just as much trouble my dear, I am sure they would love to see those images you and the girls took. You look like you were really enjoying yourself in some of those. Now, I will be nice though, I will give you thirty minutes to get your stuff together and get out, before I have security throw you out on your bare ass.”
I quickly got my things together. As I was leaving, everybody was watching, but I didn’t give a fuck. All I wanted to do was to go home and relax.
Angel didn’t say a word on the way home. I left my things in the car when we arrived home and Angel followed me into the living room where I just collapsed on the couch.
Angel sat next me and broke her silence, she told me she would never go back there after the way Mother Superior treated me.
As Angel made dinner, I picked up a small newspaper about the local sex scene. After flipping a few pages I seen a help wanted advertisement at an establishment that was known to be seedy, a hangout for drug dealers, and prostitution. After reading the job requirements, I quickly took out my cell phone and called the number.
After answering several questions, they told me to come in the next day and audition for the job. After the call, Angel said dinner was ready, for the first time in days, I had an appetite.
I ate like a pig at dinner and went back to the couch. I told Angel I could sleep in the bed upstairs and just wanted to stay on the couch for a few days. Angel said she understood and went upstairs, while I watched some television and fell asleep.
The next morning I got up and got ready for my job interview. I placed the clothes I decided to wear in a bag and placed it in my car.
It was odd not seeing Ana’s car in the driveway, the police towed it to their impound lot so they have it for their investigation.
I threw the bag into the open window and just stared at the open space in the driveway where Ana’s car was. People in the neighbor watched me from their windows, trying not to be noticed from behind the blind and drapes of their windows.
After I was finished at my car, I walked back to the house; I put my hand behind my back and gave them the finger as I walked back to the house.
When I walked into the kitchen, Angel was making breakfast, when she saw the smile on my face; she told me how it was nice to see me happy again.
I told her I had a job interview later and was hopeful to get it. Angel pressed me to tell her about the job, but I kept changing the subject. After a while, she gave trying to get the information out of me.
I ate my breakfast excited about my job interview. I ate my breakfast like I had a bottomless pit for a stomach.
I quickly took a shower and took off for my job interview. When I got there the place was empty except for a security guard who told to go up the staircase at the end a long hallway where the bathrooms and stage changing room was.
I walked up the stairs and knocked on the door at the top of the stairs. I heard a voice say, “Come in.”
I slowly walked in and saw two men sitting on the couch. One man was wearing jeans, a nice shirt and a tie. He had the top of his pants unbuttoned and unzipped and the other man was giving him a hand job.
I walked to the center of the room and introduced myself, “Hi, my name is Jessica White. I am here for the exotic dancer job.”
The man in the nice shirt and tie replied, “My name is Johnny Fever, I own this club. This is Jack here; he is one of the people you will be working with. Just to let you know up front, that I have sex with all my employees, whenever I want, is that ok with you?”
I nodded in agreement with him, just standing there not knowing where this was going. Jack was now sucking on Johnny’s cock, and Johnny was enjoying it.
Johnny reached over and turned on some music; he looked over at me and told me to strip. I looked around and said, “You aren’t bashful, are you?”
I looked at him and said, “No, it’s just I haven’t changed into what I was going to wear. I have a sexy outfit here in my bag.”
Johnny just smiled and leaned back a little as he shot his load into Jack’s mouth. He looked at me and said, “Baby, I don’t care what you wear right now, you will be wearing whatever the hell the theme of the day is anyway, just strip.”
I started dancing a little as Jack let go of Johnny’s cock. Jack had a smile on his face, with a few drops of cum dripping from the corner of his mouth.
I slowly started taking off my clothes, as I took them off, I watched Jack take of Johnny’s pants and kneel in front of him.
Jack was sucking on Johnny’s cock while I stripped. I could see Johnny’s cock grow and get harder the more I danced.
After I was completely naked, I got closer to Johnny, shaking my tits in his face and on his hard cock. Johnny was completely enjoying this. He was throwing money on the floor in front of me, he told me any money he throws down is mine to keep, the better I am, the more money I will make.
When my show was over, he grabbed me and bent me over his desk. He rammed his hard cock into my pussy hard and fast. I just smiled and took whatever he gave me.
When he took his cock out of my pussy and rammed it into my ass, Johnny was surprised how easily it went, he leaned closer to me and said, “Your ass is so loose baby, you will fit in well here, just how much can you take you take?”
I looked back and said, “Well I took a dildo an inch and half wide and at least nine inches long yesterday and I guess it still hasn’t shrunk back to normal yet.”
By this time, Jack was fucking Johnny in rhythm with Johnny who was fucking me. Johnny put both hand on my back to keep his balance as his cock plowed into my ass.
No one was wearing any protection, but I didn’t care, without Ana, I didn’t even care about the baby anymore.
Johnny kept plowing into my ass; I was taking every centimeter of his long cock. I felt Johnny tighten up and then he shot his load deep into my ass.
I moved my ass faster and faster on his cock, I wanted every single drop of it in my ass. Finally he pulled his cock out of my ass.
A mixture of his cum and fluids from my bowels flowed out, I hurried to the bathroom and saw Johnny drop a roll bills on the floor with the other money he had dropped earlier.
After cleaning up, I came back dressed. Johnny was sitting on the couch again and Jack was nowhere to be seen.
Johnny told me to sit next to him and I did what I was told. He leaned over and passionately kissed me while he fondled my sore pregnant tits.
He broke the embrace and said, “Jessica darling, you are by far the best piece of ass I ever had, and trust me, I have had a lot ass in here. You will fit in so well. I want you to start a couple of days. It will be alien night here, and the place is always packed, you will make triple what is here on the floor here.”
I looked at him smiled, and said, “Cool, I can start then, just tell me what time you want me here, and I will be here with bells on.”
As I picked up the money on the floor and put it in my handbag, Johnny said, “Be here promptly at six in the evening, we will do make up and fit you into your costume.”
I said my goodbyes and headed out to my car. When I got to my car I couldn’t move, I had such terrible cramps that didn’t feel right.
She managed to get in her car and drive home. As she drove, her cramps started getting worst, almost unbearable.
After arriving home, she staggered into the house and collapsed on the couch. She was in so much pain by now; she curled up in a ball on the couch.
Angel, hearing someone come in, came upstairs from the dungeon and ran over to me when she saw me crying in a ball on the couch.
Angel freaked out, she ran back downstairs for what seemed like an eternity and came back and called the ambulance.
The last thing I remember lying on the couch was the paramedics over me trying to get me to lay flat so they could examine me.
I was rushed to Mercy Hospital. I woke up in the emergency room with the doctors and nurses asking me all kinds of questions. They kept asking me where it hurt, how severe was the pain, and other stupid questions.
I could see Angel over in the corner talking to Daisy and a few other police officers. I almost blacked out from the severe pain and the doctors noticed a disgusting fluid flowing from my ass, the aftermath from job interview.
The doctor upon seeing this went over and talked to Daisy and the other officers, all of who looked at me as the doctor spoke.
Daisy came over and looked at me in the eyes; she tapped my face gently a few times and said, “Baby, can you hear me. The doctors say it looks like you were raped, is that what happened baby?”
She tapped the side of my face gently again. I really couldn’t speak; I don’t know if it was the drugs they gave me, or the horrendous pain. I looked up at her and managed to say, “No, I had a job interview and it was all consensual.
The doctors rolled up an ultrasound machine and started examining the baby inside me. The gel was cold as they applied it to my belly. After they looked at the display for a few minutes, the doctors yelled, “Out of the way, we need to get her to surgery immediately.”
They pushed my bed down the hallway quickly; they pushed me through a maze of hallways and corridors and finally through a large set of double doors.
They transferred me from the emergency room bed to the surgical bed in the operating room and several women prepped me for surgery.
The last thing I remembered before passing out was one of the nurses talking about how I had such nice breasts, I remember muttering something about them be all natural, but passed out thinking I was just dreaming it all.
I woke up in a hospital room. I was still drugged from the surgery as I looked over and saw Angel sitting in a chair sleeping.
I looked at the clock and saw I was out for six hours. I took a deep breath and got sick, I grabbed a small bowl that was on the bed table and threw up in it.
The noise from me getting sick woke Angel up. She came over and wiped my mouth and kissed me on my forehead. She held my hand and I knew why they had to operate.
I looked down and saw my belly; it was flat as a board and had a fresh incision mark on it. Angel held my hand tighter; I looked at her and said, “I lost the baby didn’t I?”
Angel tightened her grip on my hand even tighter and said, “Your daughter did survive the operation. They had to take her quickly, whatever you did earlier really messed you badly. Not only did the doctors fight to keep her alive, but she fought hard as well,” Angel started to cry and continued, “She only live a few hours, they still don’t know why, they said they will do an autopsy to find the exact cause.”
I started to cry, all I could say was, “Her name was Ana Marie.” I laid back my head and just wanted to go back asleep and not wake up.
Shortly afterward, the doctor and the social worker came in and were happy I was awake. Angel didn’t waste any time telling them that she told me about the baby.
The doctor told me since I didn’t have any insurance they will only keep me overnight for observation and started to tell me what happened with the baby.
The doctor told me the baby’s blood type was being attacked by my white blood cells which thought of it as an intruder. He said this was basically caused by incompatible blood types between mother and child. He said the sexual intercourse I had earlier had nothing to do with it.
The social worker stayed with me most of the night; we talked a lot and suggested I seek consoling after I am discharged.
The next morning, the doctor cleared me to go home as long as I took it easy for the next six weeks. He reminded me I had a complete hysterectomy and I needed time to heal.
I lied to him just to get out of there; I was already planning to go back to work the next day. Angel drove me home and helped me up the stairs and made sure I was comfortable in bed.
Even though I didn’t want them, she made me take the meds the doctor gave me for pain and help me sleep. I quickly fell asleep, having weird dreams all night long.
Follow all the Jessica White saga: