The city of Chandigarh is known for its high standards of living of its people,…
Slave To A Dominant Old Man
It all started at a coffee shop where he and I had breakfast almost every morning. Hello, I’m Misty, age 25, dark brown medium length hair and dark eyed. This old man that would sit a few seats down at the restaurant where I was sitting had grey thinning hair, trimmed beard and a hairy chest. He also looked to be 60 or a little older but with a slim build; somehow I got attracted to him. One morning, I just had a cup of coffee and pastry while I stopped in and he offered to pay for my tab and told me his name was Wyndall. I obliged him and he whispered to me that he would like for me to stop by after work to his trailer located at a trailer park down the road. He then drove off in his pickup truck. A couple of the waitresses that worked there tried to warn me that this old man is dirty minded and a manipulator. That had me thinking and puzzled but obviously not enough because even though I was a bit scared to visit him, I went there after work.
As soon as he let me in, he grabbed my hand and pulled me back to his bedroom. He then proceeded to sit down at the foot of his bed, put me over his lap, pulled down my dress and panties and began to spank my bare bottom real hard. I cried out my loudest for a solid 20 minutes. After he stopped, he made me take off all my clothes and stand in the corner naked. He then went to the bathroom to pee. When he came back out, I was still crying and he slapped my butt once more, telling me stop my crying. Immediately afterward, he pulled his trousers down to his feet and told me to bend over. When I did he penetrated my vagina and humped me for another 30 minutes until he filled me with his gooey slimy wetness! I was so exhausted and surprised by this encounter that when he told me to never try to flee from him and to always come over on his demand, I couldn’t resist him. He said that from now on, I was his whore. I told him that’s fine because I’ve never had that kind of sexual experience before.
Thereafter, almost every day, he would pull my panties down to give me a bare bottom spanking then strip me down for oral sex, anal sex, and vaginal sex, filling me with his slime. He would also make me watch porn movies with him at his home and have me masturbate with him. He would also give me a bare bottom spanking every excuse he could think of, and would become angry when I wouldn’t tell his friends and acquaintances that I was his whore. Also, whenever we would travel, he would have me undress in his pickup truck and ride his cock or give him head.
One morning while at my house, I got up with morning sickness, threw up in the toilet several times and noticed my breasts becoming sensitive and tender. When I looked in the mirror, I noticed my stomach getting bigger. “Uh oh,” I said to myself. I haven’t had a period in over 2 months and have been craving lots of strange foods. So I called my OBGYN doctor to make an appointment. Thereafter… well, I’ll see if you can guess what transpired!
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