The city of Chandigarh is known for its high standards of living of its people,…
Bernadette Gives Her Notice To The Hospital
Bernadette or Bernie as she prefers is at work at the Hospital in Intown. She catches up on paperwork. Personnel won’t be open until 8am. She will give them time to get in and give her notice at 8:30am.
At 8:30am Bernie asks to see the head of personnel, Jane. Bernie tells Jane she has accepted an Anministrative Hospital position in NYC. Jane is surprised but understands Bernie’s ambition wanting to move up in job title and pay. She feels as Bernie does sad about leaving the hospital family. At the same time happy for Bernie for this great opportunity. Bernie gives a 2 week notice and recommends Lydia to replace her as she trained Lydia to cover for her when she went on vacation. Jane thanked her for her recommendation.
Wednesday morning Lydia is called to personnel. She is offered the laboratory manager’s position. She says yes. It’s the first she learns Bernie is leaving. Jane said Bernie recommended her. She had tears in her eyes. Tears for joy for the new job and the loss of a friend. After the interview she stopped in at Bernie’s office. She thanked Bernie. She is a single mom and she would make more money. It will help taking care of her son. She also cried about Bernie leaving. They are friends. Bernie cried too. Lydia asked if she told Ernesto and Charles? She said no. Next week. She wanted the sadness to be of short duration for everyone.
Wednesday after work Bernie goes to Charles’s home. He is happy to see her. She kisses him. She puts her short shorts and blouse on. He’s watching TV. She sits on a big pillow next to him. She is tired and lays her head on his arm. He kisses her forehead. He loves her. She decides to lay on his carpet and uses the pillow for her head. Now she’s comfortable. He takes a blanket from the couch and covers her. She sleeps.
Bernie awakens and checked her watch. She has to meet Ernesto at the hotel pool when he gets out of work. She gets her bikini upstairs and kisses Charles. She says she will see him later. Bernie goes to the hotel and meets Ernesto at the pool. She kisses him. They go to the weight room first. After the weight room they swim laps. When they are alone Ernesto fucks her pussy in the pool. After the pool they shower and get dressed. They go to dinner at his restaurant at the Hillside. After dinner they go home.
Ernesto sits in his big easy chair,reads the paper, and watches TV. The phone rings and Bernie answers. It’s Charles calling, he accidentally cut himself and said he needs her help to get the bandaids on. She said okay. She grabbed their first aid kit and told Ernesto Charles had cut himself. She walked quickly to his house. The cut was deep but not to the bone. She had him put pressure with bandages on the wound. She was ready to use bandaids to close the cut. As soon as the bleeding stopped she used an antibacterial fluid which stings. Bernie puts a large band aid on pulling the cut together keeping the cut from opening and bleeding. Charles said the wound hurt but at least he wasn’t bleeding.
He asked her to stay awhile. She knew what he wanted. They went upstairs to his bedroom. He helped her undress. He kissed her. She got on her knees licking, sucking his cock and balls. He had her lay on his bed. He noticed the queen of Spades tattoo on her thigh. He said she had a new lover. She said,”shhhhhhhh.” She smiled. He asked if he was a man of color? Bernie whispered yes. He asked her if she loves the new lover more than Ernesto? She cried and said yes. He said he loves her and is there for her should she need him. She thanked him. They continued with their lovemaking.
Thursday after work Bernie goes to Ernesto’s house and puts bags of her clothing in her station wagon. She leaves enough clothing for one more week. She has Friday off for a 3 day weekend. She had told Ernesto she was going to NYC for the weekend.
She arrives at Churchhill’s building. She tells the valet she has bags of clothing. Could he arrange to have them brought to 721? He said he would take care of it. Bernie has a key to Churchhill’s apartment. He isn’t there. Her possessions are brought up by the valet and bell boy. She tips them both $20. They put the bags on her bed. She thanked them. She starts emptying the bags and hanging her clothes up in her bedroom. Her phone rings and Churchhill said let’s go eat. She said she would be right down.
They meet in the lobby. He picks her up under her arms and kisses hers. She puts her arms around his neck. He is so happy to see her. She said she loves him. His restaurant is next door to his apartment building. They are seated at his table. Bernie tells Churchhill she gave her notice at the hospital at Intown. She has one more week to go. She said she brought most of her possessions with her. He smiled. She will soon be with him. He told her he loves her and his home is her home.
After dinner they go back to his apartment. Bernie finishes hanging her clothes on hangers and puts her other possessions in the dresser drawers. She takes her clothes off and showers. She drys herself and comes to Churchhill’s big easy chair and kisses him. She smelled like roses. It was her perfume. He pulled her to his right side in his chair. She layed on him. He kissed her. She put her hands on his cheeks kissing him. He licked,sucked her breasts and nipples. Bernie said she loves him. She is happy to be with him. She said she has never had so much love from one man. He said tomorrow night Friday she would have a lot of cock when she trains the girls to use the fuckbeds. Bernie said for you I’ll do anything you want. My body is your playground or whoever you want me to play with. He said he would remember those words with love for her. He stood up and picked her up and carried her to his bed. She layed there watching this beautiful brown man undress with a thick 13″ cock when he is flaccid. She thought she will make his cock hard.
Churchhill didn’t do much foreplay. He raised her legs against his shoulders and shoved his cock in her pussy. He said he missed her as his cock and balls slapped her pussy. He deep penetrated her pussy making her orgasm. She was panting and squealing like a school girl. He squirted her pussy with copious amounts of cum making her have several orgasms. He stopped squirting her, put her legs down. He kissed her. Licked,sucked her breasts and nipples. Her vaginal muscles tightened around his cock as she orgasmed more. She held him firmly around his neck. She kissed his lips, cheek and whispered in his ear she loves him. He has his arms around her holding her tightly. Neither one of them want to let go. They kiss each other. Finally they mutually release each other. Churchhill pulls his cock from Bernie’s pussy. She licks, sucks his cock and balls clean of cum. With a spoon he feeds her his essence from her pussy and thighs. They shower together. He likes washing his little girl. He towel drys her and wraps her in the towel. He hugs and holds her. They go to bed. She sleeps naked on him. He puts his arm around her shoulder. They sleep.
Friday they go for a light lunch. When they come back to the apartment, Bernie takes her clothes off. Churchhill is in his easy chair. She lubricates her ass. She uses her Black master training. She gets on her knees in front of him. She tucks her head into her body and brings her legs tight to her body putting her ass straight up. She can be ass fucked by one man or by several in this position. All they do is stand over her and fuck her ass like an available fuck hole. He was surprised. He never experienced this before. He learned something today. It felt good and was fun for Bernie. She said she was trained by her Black Master. She was trained to stay in this position to serve many men. Churchhill kissed her. He said teach the girls at the club this position. She said she would.
Friday at 7pm Churchhill and Bernie arrive at his Gentlemen’s Club. They go to the second floor. All the girls are there for the meeting. Bernie takes her clothes off for the demonstrations. The girls applaud her, she is very uninhibited. She tells the girls of sex slave training as young girl They are listening. She also tells of her Black Master training in recent years. She tells them of her experiences of EuropeanXXXTheater Adult Sex Clubs. She will show them how the fuck beds work.
First demonstration. Serving the man. A young man of color is Ronald. He is a university student chosen by Churchhill. He is dressed. Bernie introduces him to the girls. They applaud and cheer him. He is a little embarrassed. Bernie sits on her knees. Looking up into his eyes. She says she is showing him respect, bonding with him, and is there to serve him. She keeps her hands behind her. She does not touch him unless he tells her to. She asks him if she may unfasten his belt? He answers yes. His zipper? Yes. Take out his cock and balls? Yes. She explains she maintains eye contact. She keeps her hands together behind her. She asks him if she may suck his cock and lick his balls? Yes,please. Not touching with her hands she sucks his cock doing deep throat and licks his balls. She stops and explains deep throat or throat fucking requires practice. She recommended using uncooked hot dogs for practice. She said men like the feeling of fucking the woman’s throat. It was like fucking her pussy. Ronald agreed.
Second demonstration. Being ass fucked by one or more men. Bernie takes some lubricant for ass and asks Ronald if she may put some on his cock. He said please. In front of the girls on her knees she tucks her head in close to her body and her arms on the floor steady her. She pulls her legs tight to her, raising her ass. She asks Ronald to fuck her ass. He stands over her and easily pushes his cock in and out. He moves his body up and down. He said he was cumming. She said squirt me Ronald. He did. The girls applauded. Bernie yelled, “ohyessss!” She gave Ronald wipes and wiped herself.
Third demonstration. The fuckbed. The girls want to see how it works. Bernie cleaned herself. She layed on the bed and waived at Churchhill. He was at the front or “V” of the bed. 5 men, 2 men on each side of the bed. The front man has her pussy. The side men have her suck or pull their cocks when she can. When one of the guys squirts he is finished. The men at the table move clock wise or step away when finished squirting. While she pulls or sucks their cocks they massage her breasts and finger her nipples keeping her stimulated. One of the guys wants to fuck her ass. Bernie said pull her legs to the edge of the bed and raise her legs pushing them back to her. She held on to her legs as far back as she can. He fucks her ass as she squeals like a happy school girl. Two more fucks and a suck and she is done. She sits up on the bed covered in cum. The girls applaud her. She found money under pillow. She showed the girls. She announces class is over. She said Saturday is the real test. The girls laughed. They thanked Bernie. The fuckbeds they said are not a mystery any more.
Bernie showers with Churchhill. He thanks her for explaining things to the girls. She said it was fun. She said the girls had fun too. He kissed her, towel dried her. She hugged him. He said he was hungry. Bernie said how about Italian food? He said that sounds good. He knows the place.
Saturday morning Bernie makes breakfast for Churchhill. He smells breakfast and coffee. He comes to the kitchen. She pours his coffee. He sits at the table. He grabs her when she walks by. He kisses her and hugs her. She puts her hands on his cheeks and kisses him. He has her sit with him while he eats. She loves being with him.
Saturday 12 noon is the grand opening at the Gentlemen’s Club. Churchhill and Bernie arrive. She wears her school girl uniform. A red plaid mini skirt, a white shortsleeve shirt,black school tie, knee high white socks, black school sport jacket with emblem. Little black shiny shoes. She puts her hair in pony tails on each side of her head. Some people think Churchhill is dating a high school girl. Bernie thinks that’s a compliment to her.
There are finger sandwiches and bar pizza available and beverages until 6pm.
Bernie goes upstairs. The girls are busy doing gang bangs. The fuckbeds are being used. Some girls are using the couches along both sides of the room. The guys asked Bernie if she would fuck them. She found a bed available and put her clothes in a locker. They kissed and hugged her as she walked to the bed. They formed a line. She called them to the bed. They hugged and kissed her. They said they love her. Everyone one of them. 30 guys lined up for her. Churchhill saw she was busy but alright. He let her know he was around. She waived at him.
After 2 hours of nonstop sex she takes a shower. Her love offerings are $3000. She has established a following of loving men with money. She puts on her school girl uniform and goes downstairs. Churchhill gets her glass of spiked tropical punch. She said “wow” that’s good.
Saturday 830pm Churchhill and Bernie go to his Disco Club. Bernie has her school girl uniform on. She gets a lot of attention. She has some guys meet her in Churchhill’s secret room behind the curtains.
Sunday morning Churchhill and Bernie play in bed.
Sunday afternoon Bernie drives back to Intown one more time.
….Bernadette Prepares To Leave Intown…cont’d…