The city of Chandigarh is known for its high standards of living of its people,…
Bernadette Applys For Work At A Hospital In NYC
It’s Thursday evening and Bernadette has Friday off from her job. Bernadette or Bernie as she prefers is back in NYC. She will be applying for a medical lab job at a local hospital close to Churchhill’s apartment. Churchhill is glad to see her. He has a dozen roses for her and a wrapped gift. She kisses him. This 6’7” man picks Bernie up under her arms and kisses her 3 times. He puts her down and hugs his little girl. She told Churchhill she had an appointment tomorrow Friday at the hospital. She is excited. She opens the wrapped gift. It’s a black onyx spade mounted on gold with a gold letter “Q” with a gold chain necklace. The sentiment on the back of the necklace read,”To Bernie My Little Girl, I Love You, Churchhill.” Bernie thanks Churchhill with tears on her cheeks. He asked her why she was crying? She said because of the message on the back of the necklace. He kisses her and hugs his little girl. He told her to change her clothes as they were going to dinner.
After dinner they return to the apartment. Churchhill sits in his big easy chair and Bernie sits on her big pillow crossed legged. She holds his hand as they watch TV. Later she lays the side of her head on his arm. She closes her eyes. She sleeps. She had a busy day. After awhile Churchhill picks her up and lays her on his bed to sleep. He stands and looks at her with love. He goes back to his TV.
During the night Bernie realizes Churchhill put her to bed. She takes her clothes off. She uses the bathroom and then lays naked on Churchhill. He puts his arm around her. They sleep.
Friday morning she is up at 7am. She showers. She gets dressed and makes coffee as she has an interview at 9:30am. Churchhill smells coffee and he comes to the kitchen. Bernie hugs him and he picks her up and kisses her. He gently puts her down. She thinks of him as her big “teddy bear.” She loves him. He sees she has the queen of spade necklace on that he bought her. He is proud of her. She makes his toast with butter and strawberry jam. He hugs her and has her sit on his knee as he eats. She loves being with him.
Churchhill arranged with his limousine service to take her to the hospital interview at 9am. Bernie arrived for the interview at 9:15am. She told the receptionist and she was given an application to fill out. At 9:30am Susan the personnel manager greeted Bernie and shook her hand. She asked Bernie to come with her to the interview room. Bernie handed her the application filled out. Susan read the application and had concerns about the validity of her education claims because she was young. Bernie brought her Bachelors Degree in Medical Technology and a Masters Degree in Science. She also had paper work showing her position at the hospital as Laboratory Manager. Susan checked with the State University and the information Bernie gave was valid. Susan apologized. She was amazed how young Bernie is to be in such a technical job. Bernie gave her a letter from the administrator at the hospital exalting her managerial skills. Susan called her hospital Administrator. He came to her office immediately. Susan introduced Bernie to Paul. Susan showed him Bernie’s quaulifications. Paul explained they had an opening for an Administration Laboratory Coordinator. They needed someone to oversee Laboratory functions and make recommendations. She would be answerable to him. Her title would be assigned under Administration. She would have her own office and secretary. Starting salary with benefits would be $65,000. She didn’t hesitate. She said yes. She said she had to give the appropriate notice of resigning to her boss of 2 weeks. Paul and Susan shook her hand welcoming her. Bernie was asked to stay and complete the paper work to become an official employee in 2 weeks. Susan gives Bernie a lunch ticket to get something to eat. Bernie thanked Susan for everything. Susan smiled.
After lunch Bernie called for the limousine service to come to get her. The limousine arrives and she goes back to the apartment. She has a key. Churchhill is not home yet. Her phone rings. It’s Churchhill. He says to come to the lobby and they will go to his restaurant. She said she put her shoes back on and she will be right down. She meets him in the lobby. He picks her up and kisses her. She told him she got the job. He picks her up, kisses her and hugs her. She will be moving in with him. He is so happy. He said let’s have dinner and celebrate.
They have a great dinner and Bernie drinks a little extra wine to celebrate her new job. Both Bernie and Churchhill are excited about being together.
They return to the apartment. Churchhill sits in his big easy chair and puts the TV on. Bernie puts her short shorts on and a blouse. She’s barefoot and comfortable. She sits next to Churchhill’s chair on a pillow. She kisses him before she sits down. He tells Bernie how lucky he is to be with her as smart and beautiful as she is. She whispers in his ear how lucky she is to be with a handsome man who loves her and understands her needs. She has her Queen of Spade necklace on as she wears it to honor him, show her love for him and men of color. The tattoo of the Queen of spade on her right thigh is for him.
After the 11pm news Churchhill shuts the TV off and picks Bernie up kissing her and carry’s her to his bed. He lays her down. He removes her clothes. She smiles and opens her arms and legs waiting for him. He makes love to her, he fucks her pussy and after a brief blowjob he is aroused again. He then turns her over pulling her to him and with KY fucks her ass. He told her he missed her. Bernie said use her anyway he wanted. She loves him.
Saturday 8am Bernie makes breakfast. Churchhill said he loves her. She kisses him and said she loves him too. He said he wanted to show her his Gentlemen’s Club Improvement’s. He said maybe she could try it out. She smiled and kissed him. After breakfast they showered. He fucked Bernie in the shower. She orgasmed and yelling“fuckmeChurchhillohyesharderfuckmypussyohyessssssIloveyou!”
As he squirted her she was orgasming and like a school girl squealing with delight. She was panting from orgasming. She licked,sucked his cock and balls clean. Showers are over. Churchhill towel drys Bernie. He kisses her, hugs her and snuggles with her while she’s wrapped in the towel.
They get dressed and Churchhill drives them to his Gentlemen’s Club. Bernie saw the improvements she had suggested. The first floor looked like the 1930’s men’s club. There were heavy stuffed leather cushioned chairs and couches. The tables were heavy wood. There were game tables for cards and chess. A 1930’s pool table redone with new cloth was brought in. A large color TV was installed at the wine and beverage bar. 1930’s style wall lights were installed on both sides of the downstairs walls. The reading tables had era 1930’s library style table lamps.
Second floor was totally changed. There were plenty of fuckbeds. Strobe lights were synched to disco music. XXX Adult movies were being shown continuously and sex sounds of women in the heat of the moment could be heard. There were also modern styled large heavy metal vinyl cushioned couches, chairs and coffee tables. Wall lighting was used for discreet activities. Bernie was impressed. She kissed Churchhill for taking her advice.
Bernie told Churchhill that he would have to show the men how to use the gangbang set up. A line forms for each bed and 5 men to each bed. The girls need to be trained to serve the men. She said she would help. She said put 3 beds near each other side by side so the girls can see each other for safety comfort. She said she would show the girls how to bond with and serve the men. He asked her if she could come next Friday night and teach them? She said yes and she would need 7 male club volunteers. He said done.
Saturday afternoon Churchhill buys Bernie a lunch at a mom and pop restaurant. She got a half sandwich, ice tea, and a bowl of homemade vegetable beef soup. She was happy. Bernie said great things happen when they are together. After lunch Churchhill takes Bernie to buy a party dress for Saturday night st his disco club. He takes her to a chain department store. She finds a red off the shoulder mini skater dress. She looks so cute when she models it for Churchhill. He said she is beautiful. He bought the dress and accessories for her. She hugs and kisses him. She thanked him. She wants him to be happy with her and love her. She wants his approval.
Saturday evening dinner time they order Chinese food delivery.
Saturday at 8:30pm Churchhill and Bernie arrive at his disco club. He seats her at his table. He orders drinks for them and makes his rounds checking with the employees. The Club opens at 9pm. Bernie joins Churchhill and meets the employees and shakes their hand. She becomes close to them as Churchhill is. Churchhill also introduces her to the regulars. They are of different ethnicities but Churchhill has their respect and love as he feels the same way of them. Bernie feels blessed knowing and loving her big”teddy bear.” As the guests get to know Bernie she has a lot of guys asking her to dance or sit with her when she sits alone. Some call her Bernie, Miss Bernie or lovingly,“Baby.”She has a fan club because of knowing Churchhill. The guys like sitting with her, especially the young guys and they sneak a kiss or finger fuck her. One on each side of her. They have a booth in a dark corner and play with her pussy. They pull their cocks out and she sits on them. She rides them orgasming getting her pussy squirted. They hug and kiss her. She uses the bathroom to clean up. She’s not the only girl getting fucked at the club that night. Some girls get so drunk they fuck in public.
She gets back to her table and Churchhill is there. He wants to fuck her. He had a few drinks and is horny. He takes her to the hidden room behind the curtains by the disco dance floor. He uses the code and the door unlocks. Bernie takes her dress off. Sucks his cock but he wants to fuck her pussy. She is on her hands and knees. He slides his cock into her pussy and fast fucks her. She rides his cock rocking with his thrusts. He grabs the cheeks of her ass and rams his cock in her pussy as he squirts her pussy. She is panting and yells, “O my God I’m cumming.” She squeals out words and her body spasms from his cock as his squirting makes her orgasm. He pulls her ass to his cock to make sure she gets all of his essence. Even after squirting her she continues orgasming and her pussy is so stimulated it is contracting as if his cock was in her. Her vaginal muscles are twitching. She lays on her back resting and he crawls to her and kisses her. She put her arms around his neck and kisses him. She says she loves him. She cleans his cock and balls with her tongue. He spoon feeds her his cum from her pussy and thighs.
Sunday morning it’s 1:30am. It’s time to go home. They shower together and go to bed. She lays on him naked and he puts his arm around her. They kiss,saying I love you. Goodnight.
Sunday morning 9am Bernie makes breakfast. She makes French toast, scrambled eggs and bacon for Churchhill. He comes out of the bedroom sniffing food. He’s hungry. He picks her up and kisses her. She put her arms around his neck. She loves serving him. She loves pleasing him. He is her “big teddy bear.” He has her sit on his knee as he eats. He loves having her close to him. Touching him.
After breakfast he carry’s Bernie to his bed and makes love to her. He likes being on top of her looking into her hazel eyes. He kisses her and hugs her. She kisses him. She kisses his neck and cheeks. She whispers in his ears as he is stimulating her. She tells him she loves him. She puts her arms around his neck as he fucks her. She whispers for him to fuck her with his big brown cock. She loves his cock. As she orgasms she calls Churchhill “Baby.” She said,”oh baby,fuck me baby,I love your cock.” Afterwards they rest. He tells her he loves her and she is so happy she loves her. He said he will take care of her and she will always be free to pursue her sexual needs. She kissed him and cried understanding how much he loves her.
Bernie licks, sucks Churchhill’s cock and balls clean of cum. He spoonfeeds her his cum from her body and she eats it. He likes watching her swallow his essence as he knows it becomes part of her body. She is now a part of him. He will always be a part of her. He is in her. He loves her. They shower together and he washes her. He loves touching her beautiful soft skin.
After showers he takes Bernie for a nice Sunday meal. He knows she has to go back to Intown 2 hours away. The have a great meal and a beautiful afternoon.
After a lovely afternoon together Bernie has to go home. She kisses him as tears run down her cheek. She doesn’t want to leave. He hugs her and tells her to call him. She will.
…Bernadette Gives Her Notice To Her Employer And Returns To NYC..cont’d