I was visiting Canada and I decided to travel from Vancouver to Toronto by train…
pussy power
My lovely wife Sally is a cute, sassy, and sexy woman. She has a great ass, killer abs from years of woring out, and an appetite for sex that keeps me busy yrying to please her.
She knows I am addicted to her pussy, and uses her “pussy power” to get me to do things and buy things she wants.
The other day she was talking to me about updating the basement…a project that would require days of work. She was prepared for this discussion, as she wore a short skirt. While she talked about new this and replacing that, she knew I was focused on her hem line which was inching up with each movement she made.
As she crossed her legs, I noticed she was without panties. I caught a glimpse of her shaved lips, slightly open and glistening with wetness.
The project she had in mind would force me to spend all of my upcoming vacation working. I had talked about getting away, playing golf, and relaxing during this week in the spring, but Sally was using her trump card.
Sally said she would make it worth my effort, and illustrated how by lifting her skirt and spreading her legs…all you can eat, every day until the project is complete. She offered a bonus if I stayed on budget and completed on time…she would reward me with a night of “special” sex.
I of course agreed, and the project was planned and started. Every day, I made progress, and feasted on her pussy each night for an hour. I loved licking Sally’s tasty little pussy, and